***Official post up your favorite rollercosters thread***

it is not as good as being on it but good enough for the time being.

It’s been SO long since I was at CP. I think the last time I was there, the Mantis was the new ride with the 3 hour line. My sister said that the Top Thrill Dragster was INSANE.

We missed that one when we were there. The line was to long. Defanilty wish I would have waited for that.

yea it was FTMFW! i can’t wait till i go next year

yeah that vid doesnt do the maverick justice… i was on it the summer that it came out - long lines then but it was worth it. the first drop is actually inverted - more than 90 degrees - and some of the back and forth left to right twists are awesome.

TTD and MF still rule all though.

95 degrees to be exact!

sadly one of the most enjoyable local ones has to be the predator at Darien lake.
I’m old school I like wooden coasters.

Any of the older guys remember the coasters from crystal beach?

i have been on the comet at it’s present location unfortuantly never at cb. :frowning:

Favoret? Is that french for something?

any one ever been on “the beast” or “the son of the beast”

if your not aware what they are, the beast is one of the longest wooden roller coasters, and the son of the beast is a wooden roller coaster that does a flip.

always wondered how these 2 were, ive never been on them!

hater! lol.

they are in ohio Son of Beast - Wikipedia

thanks, i knew the location but wanted a personal response if anyone has been on either. lol thanks for the info though.

I was on The Beast, its at Kings Island in Cincinnatti. It is LONG, I think it is a 5+ minute ride. Goes through the forest, pretty cool. Not too rough either from what I remember. The Predator freaking HURT the last time I was on it

yeah see thats what i want is something that goes threw the woods and not like all regular twisting wooden roller coasters, i think it would be sweet to have trees just flying pass you as you go threw the woods.

the mantis hurt where it counts the whole ride.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7LLBzUE82M&NR=1 made me lol.

the original thread title was over 50% misspelled.
Jesus christ, you edited it and still have offical? costers? something that rolls and costs me doesnt sound like very much fun.

that 90 degree drop thing at bush gardens


fucking scared the piss out of me.

:banghead:it’s simple joe you don’t like it stay the hell out! problem solved!