Official Public Pewping Tutorial


+1 for the truth about school food, made me shit so much, that was a big plus when I dropped my meal plan.

You forgot the last step, analyze the content of the turds before they are covered in toilet paper. This allows you to judge if the contents of your last meal are present, so you know weather or not to expect more trips to the bathroom and plan your day accordingly.

I dont understand what all the fuss is all about? All I do is walk in, drop trow, sit, shit, stand, wipe, flush as needed, pick up my pants, walk out.

On a side note does anyone know why it burns when I pee, and my ass itches so much?

I also weigh myself before and after when at home, But thats not public pooting. I like to know what the monster breaching the water weighs.

how the fuck do ya wipe standin up ? all ya gotta do is lean man lolol

Hold on you mean I have been doing it all wrong for this long?

Generally I just stand up, turn 90 degrees to my left or right, depending on what side the roll is on, and start butt humping the roll of paper on the wall. I allways thought it worked well enough for me, but man its a pain in the ass when you need to change the roll, and it gets expensive quick it seems.

this brings up and interesting topic that i started back when i was in college and i would ask everyone i knew.

are u a stander or a sitter?

stander- u stand up to wipe
sitter- u sit to wipe

and sometimes u have a combo of both. the squatter. haha

i started a poll and my findings were outstanding! its actually about 50/50 split between standers and sitters. personally i find the standers to be more clean.

heres my method to my madness…and listen closely

i stand, stick one leg up on the tub, use my paml to spread my cheek, and go finger deep. now mind u this is only at home where i have access to a tub. in public i just go tipy toe with one leg and proceed to wipe. now this also brings up another subject/poll which goes along with this topic rather well.

are u a folder or a crumpler? see now im a folder. i fold and refold. crumplers cant do that. they have a one shot deal.

hahaha I remember when you asked everyone this!

I myself am a stander and crumpler.

You almost forgot an important one too. Are you a front or back wiper, meanining do you wipe from back to front or front to back.

Stand slight lean and crumpler for sure… fuck folding and refolding.

Allways front to back, I like to keep my mud flap clean.