Official Public Pewping Tutorial

yea fuck shitting in public restrooms, i would rather hold it in and shit on a clean toilet later

Try shitting at a state campsite with no locks on the doors. God I hate that shit. (no pun intended.)

I just hover above the toilet- much less work.

That doesn’t work if you’re like me and enjoy lengthy dumps.

im dumping right now

I like to be in, out, done. No long poops for me, thats just a waste of time.

I will shit anywhere and everywhere. Ya gotta go ya gotta go. Buncha pussy’s up ITT.

Emuscles, You are the man! Very good write-up!

You’re a waste of time.

Word, never let the extacy of a good shit go to waste.

you never shit at hvcc? if you do the daycare center bathroom is very nice.

For the record we should discuss the quality of the toilet paper…and… what happens when your too quick and you have to endlessly wipe (or get the itch), and other ethics like the courtesy flush…and lastly, the noises, such as a cough or foot shuffle we may make to alert a newcomer that the stall is taken. The same cough can be used by some to hide a splash or fart…depending on where one might be. I, for one, think all bathrooms should have a noisy fan if not music…for my benifit as well as others. Jus sayin

94GT was telling me its polite to tap the foot of the guy in the stall next to you with your foot…says he does it all the time with good results. Thats not my thing, but he likes it I guess.

How about this-

Go in, wipe the seat with toilet paper if you feel like it’s needed, set your happy ass down, shit, wipe, and go about your ‘shitty’ day. Personally, I carry baby wipes for a spectacular ‘ending’.

Interesting… He told me he does it with his hand. Or at least when he did so to me.

This is the most intellectual thread I have read on here this week! Thanks for the pointers.

Tried the foot taping move… Don’t do it! Still icing my eye socket. May be visiting the ER later

awesome write up :rofl

+1 rep if i wasnt lazy

wiping til you bleed FTW

You forgot an important one. You must always analyze your shit ticket for wipe efficiency. Failure to do so may lead to fowl odors and skid marks.

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thats very important

we have discussed this in furthur threads i have made. its called the Henry system.

college was prolly the most brutal time on my ass.(aha i made a funny) first off you eat the school food which is full of laxitives or a low grade meat i dont’ fucking know but it made me shit at least 3 time a day, then the toilet paper in the bathroom is basically sandpaper. idk i guess sandpaper is cheaper than charmin, i eventually just bought my own charmin and used the school paper to sand wood and metal burs off.