1.) Dropping weights on the ground
2.) Thnking because I’m smaller means you can put up weight for my reps (I am by no means big nor strong)
3.) Think your sweet doing shit without a spot
4.) Taking my weight off the squat/bench bar doing a set at your weight and walking away. I will gladly set up your weight as long as you return the favor.
5.) Doing push ups on the backs of your hands as well as dips on your palms.
worked out in the evening this past monday we had off a few weeks ago… dudebro fest 2010, wow. i’ll stick to early mornings, i can tie up an incline, decline and flat bench and not see another soul in the free-weight area for half an hour.
week after week you see the same people doing nothing but chest, every day…
chicks in the free weight area NEVER put a single plate away, EVER. i don’t mind a single 45 left on a leg press machine, or even a bar sometimes. what pisses me off is 8 or 9 plates all less than 25 lbs on a bar or machine. have to pull off 4 10lb plates, 3 5lb, and at handful of 2.5’s. wtf were you thinking?
People that do either too small or too large a range of motion.
Yes 1/4 reps are pointless if that’s all you do.
Yes insanely large ROM where you take tension off the muscle you are supposed to be working is also pointless.
I guess in general, people that judge hardcore and think they are the shit themselves. Everybody’s body is different and if someone is doing what feels right or works for them…who fucking cares about what anecdotal advice states.
Don’t do it…Don’t curl in the fucking rack. And if I ever saw the half ball squat I’d be wondering WTF they were thinking. Also as mentioned prior…rolling shoulders when you shrug.
Don’t bang 1000lb off the legpress pin, you’re use of the pin is not proper. It’s there as a saftey, not a momentum creating device. Fucktard.
PS…Don, I dunno how the fuck I’m typing. I’m sooo out of shape everything I worked out is seized up worse than a rusty bolt on a buffalo car. LOL
I’m not sore, just tired. Was going to go today but said fuck it and made dinner
The creepster that sits there and watches everyone else lift and does a 20minute workout over a 3 hour period.
The kid in work boots who puts up weight that is 30lbs heavier than he should be, does 3 reps and then walks around talking about the amount of weight he just put up.
The kid with the “585” area code tattoo who sits on the bunch, does a few reps and then sits on the bench for the next hour making phone calls. You aren’t hard, you aren’t badass with your “585” tattoo and being proud of having an area code on your arm makes you a complete waste of life. Just fucking end yourself.
God damn roc people
blond girl? built like a brick shit house?
that’s ashley, she works there. she is a body builder and is extremely nice and helpful to everyone. she bothers you? (and, no, i don’t know her outside of the gym.)
Haha no, I don’t go to that gym I just always see her outside that place every time I drive by and well she kind of looks like a dude from the road.
Wait… what?
That’s so specific, I’ve never seen a single person with an area code tattoo before.
Hey, the topic title was “rant about shit you see at the gym”. Sure it’s specific but the kid also is a fucking loser, so I ranted. You’ve got gangs out west with like 313 and shit on their tattoo’s but 585, you’re from Rochester, you aren’t hard lol.
I hate when you’re on the treadmills running and the guy next to you smells like complete dogshit.
I’m sorry, I know it’s a gym and people are sweaty and whatnot, but you might wanna see a doctor, human beings are not supposed to be able to sweat 100% pure bat guano.
there is three guys at the gym i go to (world gym in NF) that do nothing but talk and sit at machines talking to each other and on their bluetooths. When you ask them to use a machine they say they are using it does one or two reps at his max weight then sits there for anthoer 20min talking. They also try to give advice to people who mostly ignore them. The one guy told a trainer is was doing something wrong and the trainer laughed at him.
Also… people who wear jeans, dress shirts… really?
People who wear workboots and leave mud/water from snow on the machines and dont clean it off
Things are finally returning to normal where I lift. When school started up in early January, I’ve never seen so many people at the gym.
1.) People flopping around like a goddamn fish on the pullup bar, doing nowhere near an acceptable movement.
2.) Dudes with absolutely no muscle wearing beaters or horrendously cutup t-shirts. I’m all for wearing a pinny or standard muscle shirt on bis/tris day, but a beater is not acceptable.
3.) People trying to give me advice. If you look somewhat respectable and your suggestions makes sense, I may listen to you. However, I am not at the gym for free advice.
4.) People thinking they are fucking ronnie coleman because they can do 225 on an assisted machine.
5.) The 95 pound kid that should be throwing weight around instead of running for 2 hours.
6.) People taking my shit over without asking, because I walked away for 5 seconds to get a drink.
7.) People that let go of the bar at their stomach while doing back pulldowns sending the weight crashing down onto the stack.
people who mix and match weights on the rack. The 2 and half pounders are smaller than the 5’s you douchebag why cant you see that. I hate going in the morning because its all old people talking about is the best time to go to all you can eat buffets.
i prefer old people to dudebros if i had my choice.
^in bed!
Oh Snap!
Anyhow, I’ve been taking BF for granted. I forgot just how fggt-free it is.
You don’t see anybody in jeans/boots/whatever. No screaming. Not many dudes doing half a rep at 3x’s the weight they can handle. Most people are really polite. :tup:
not to mention the eye candy there is fan-fucking-tastic.
got me.
Golds has rules against, the jean and work boot wearing broskis.
- People who unload one side of the bar on the rack!
I almost got clocked when this kid let a bar flip over. The mirrors at World Gym in Williamsville were always broken because of this.