So, is this the new ricer demographic that NYSpeed will complain about because it’s winter?
Guys that think that they wrote the book on lifting, and want to tell everyone about it. STFU
People who are clearly more concerned with who is watching them workout, rather than what they are doing. (i.e. looking around while doing reps)
Guys who want to talk about the bitches they fucked or the jagerbombs they downed as loud as possible so everyone can hear about their fantastic lives… (Thank god for iPods)
And the funny girls that do ridiculously low weight reps to just throw weights around while not accomplishing anything. lol. Almost cute, but it’s not. I saw an Asian girl using the lat pull down machine with the pin out, and was smashing the weight down on every rep lol. Silly Azns.
This makes me appreciate Best Fitness. It’s delightfully douche bag free really.
I know I can never escape them but I cant stand all the meat-tards… they are pretty much the definition of everything above…
Wow, so I’m not a d-bag? Thats where I work out.
LOL no you’re not a d-bag. I was just clowning around in the other thread. :highfive:
Unless you do bicep curls in the squat rack. Then you’re a d-bag. :awdrifter:
but bro thats the only way i can get enough weight on to get my SWOLLLLLL ONNNNNN
to most of the girls taking the yoga classes I walk through to get to the cardio room: thank you for wearing those pants.
The people that have been going to the gym for a while and obviously know more than the newbies about routines/proper motions etc. Then post about how the new guys don’t know what they’re doing.
Give the new people a chance. They will learn with time.
Edit: x2w384723 on the screamers. It seems they do that so people will see how much weight they’re putting up.
I have nothing against people there looking to better themselves.
It must be great for picking up chicks who are on their way to being hot. It’s like getting them on sale.
EDIT: A scratch and dent sale. :rimshot:
Oh, can’t forget the guy doing jumping squats in the smith machine.
As for not hating on n00bs at the gym, I would never be a dick to someone in person. I keep my advice to myself. If I ever see someone doing something dangerous I’d probably try to help, but otherwise I just go about my business. I probably should have taken the trainer aside and asked him to cut the shit when he was having dudes squat on the half ball, but I didn’t.
I made this thread for two reasons:
1 - Many laughs
2 - Someone may learn something without having to admit to a mistake (“Oh really? That annoys people? I’ll have to remember to wipe my sweat off the bench when I’m done…”)
Your efforts might be counter-productive as you might be scary the n00bs off.
“Oh damn, I don’t want to make a fool of myself. I think I’ll stick with the push-up in the comfort of my own home and not good the workout my body deserves!”
I make a big scene when someone does this while I’m wiping it off.
Oh you mean wiping someone else’s sweat off? Yeah I’d be pissed too.
Actually now that I think of it I need to be better at that myself. I always wipe down the cardio machines when I’m done but don’t always think to wipe down the benches.
See? My thread worked! On myself, but still.
good. fattys can stay home.
I don’t care if you don’t wipe it off when you aren’t sweating. Its when some fat ass is profusely sweating, and then leaves his puddle behind.
Not in the gym, but there is a broad who hangs around/outside of Spike gym in East Aurora that I am pretty sure is actually a dude.
Crocodile Dundee her and find out.