this is what its all about
BUMP – 11pm-12:30am there was a guy at World Gym on Sheridan, about 5’4-5’6, goatee, timberland boots.
Anyways, broski was all about high weight low reps. He was at the bench next to me, so I watched his progression:
-275lbs for 3 bouncing/sloppy reps with a HUGE grunt each time.
-315lbs, with the help of his trusty spotter, the weight made it back up and onto the rack
-365lbs, i literally thought his spotter was going to fall over trying to help this guy get the bar back up… so what does he do?
-405 lbs, we still had one set left, and i told my friend to be ready to go and lift the bar back up. Broski brings it down and it goes nowhere, spotter is pulling, and we/another guy help get it back up by lifting on both sides.
-This guy then proceeds to say how he is “so out of shape”, and goes to try 80lb incline dumbbell reps, only to get about 3 or 4.
-This pattern continues as he decides to show World Gym his incredible cardio endurance with a 45 second run on the treadmill, but jacked guys dont run, so he bounced from that shitnit.
-There is nothing that compliments an upper body workout like some squats, so broski throws 6-8 45 lb plates on the squat machine (I am literally laughing as I am running and seeing this). He does 3 perfect form reps (:uhh:) and then struggles to re-rack the weight.
I have seen some tools/cheese balls at World Gym, but this guy by far takes the cake as the biggest abortion of a person I have ever seen. His attitude was cocky, and his head is full of rocks. You can’t fix stupid.
eww world gym
you guys got your '80’s dudes @ your gyms? Zubaz style pants with matching dirty anti-conformist t-shirt that the sex pistols could have worn themselves and sporting the period correct haircut to finish off the ensemble.
So who fails worse? The dude that puts on shitty clothes to wear to the gym, not worrying about what other people think about his “look”? Or the dude that buys special clothes only to sweat in and stink up, while actively checking out other dudes and commenting on what their wearing?
i wear an old new era to the gym every now and then. dont hate.
I look like shit at the gym…
the person that gets on the treadmill and makes sure to check what i’m running through their entire run… okay i have already been running and will most likely still be running after you blast out your 1 or maybe 2 miles…good for you, you might be able to beat me in a short foot race… on a treadmill
At what point do you say something?
I firmly believe in lift and let lift and you’re a bag if you volunteer “advice” but I almost asked a kid to get out of the squat rack last time I was there.
I get to the gym, run my warmup, go bench. When I’m finished benching I want to do squats but both racks are taken. No problem. Uggh, one of them is taken by some 18-22 year old kid curling just the bar. FML. Whatever. I go do dips. Kid’s still curling after I’ve done 3 sets. So I do hanging leg raises while I wait. Kid’s taking his sweet time, does a few tricep extensions with a plate in between curls. I finish my leg raises, he’s still curling. I do a bunch of crunches. He’s still curling. I do more crunches. He’s still curling. I do more crunches. He’s still curling. I start sets of military presses. He’s still curling. What. The. Fuck. I’m doing my last set of presses and I see him reach into his little man purse and pull out a tupperware container. At this point I’m fuming and decide that if he’s really stopping to eat I’m asking him to get out of the rack. NO! He added 20 pounds to the bar, so he obviously needs CHALK to curl 65 pounds! Chalk’s not even allowed in my gym! Thank God the dude in the other rack finished his squats then deadlifts before the curling kid finished his biceps, so I jumped in there and took great satisfaction in squatting several hundred pounds next to this fuck and his slow chalky 65 pound squat rack kegels.
So what do you think? Is it ever OK to call someone out? I’m thinking no, but I was close. And I’m a pacifist pussy.
The best part was when he finally got out of the way some little keebler elf of a chick that must have weighed 90 pounds, stood 5’4", and had ears just big enough to make her look legitimately like a gnome took the rack from him and started squatting more weight than he had tossed around all day.
nudes of chick?
Naw. She was cool because of her diminutive stature yet superior manhood. Like I said, she kind of looked like an elf.
those guys are annoying though. worst part about it is the BF has fixed weight straight and preacher bars specifically for people that just want to stand there and do curls.
So you want to call someone out about doing curls in a squat rack? You think you are knowledgeable about lifting and training?
Let’s see what you did in the gym today…
- You ran to warm up (legs, heart), then you benched (chest)
- You wanted to do squats but couldn’t so you went ahead and did some dips (tri’s, some shoulder/chest)
- You still wanted to squat but couldn’t so you did some hanging leg raises (abs)
- Still waiting for squat rack so you do some crunches (abs)
- Still waiting for squat rack so you do some crunches (abs)
- Still waiting for squat rack so you do some crunches (abs)
- Still waiting for squat rack so you do some military presses (front/side delts, tris)
- do a few more sets of military presses
- Finally get to do your squats.
I can tell by your post that you train at about 60-70% intensity IF THAT. There is no way in hell you could possibly train hard and hit all those muscle groups effectively. The key word being effectively. You “should” be out of gas after a few bodyparts unless you are training like a wimp. Nobody in their right mind would go into the gym and train legs, chest, shoulders, abs, tri’s on the same day unless they were half-assing it and trying to burn calories.
And you want to call someone out?
Yeah it gets annoying watching someone using a squat rack to do curls. So what? Don’t you have a backup plan in place? Leg press? Leg extension? Hamstrings?
lol someone needs a hug
Eh, you don’t know his goals / weekly routine.
Get him this:
Bench & biceps, then tanning bro. :tup: Every day.
LOL I love that.
dont forget your abs bro!
Don’t forget your laundry, bro. GTL