Official Skiing/Snowboarding Meet Thread Winter 06-07!!

hey guys Noobie here, i made it out to holiday yesterday- wasn’t too bad 15runs open mildly icy, but not bad considering our weather

what size are the bindings, and what size foot do you have

the bindings are an xl and the boots are size 11 for some reason though the 32 timba boots seem to be vervy bulky compared to the other boots i tried on

hm. i dont know man, but drakes always fit tight. i was gonna ride dc’s a few years back when i rode drake f60s but got burton freestyles instead cause the dc’s didnt fit.

you can try calling/e-mailing drake if theres anything bigger, but you’re most likely gonna have to sell either the bindings or the boots.

god dam good weather


I’ll remember how nice the weather is here…when i’m going down the slopes in tahoe this weekend. :wink:

yea i checked holidays web site today- 10hills open, they had 15on sunday…i cursed down northwind (it was closed) and that was fully covered but not groomed…lets just hope w/in the next few weeks we get some know- it’s killin me here!

I was there last night. Skiing was great. I dont think the snow is going to last much past this weekend unless it cools down and they can make some.

So does anyone want to go tomorrow?

Tahoe FTMFW!

i’d go but i prefer to go on sun-thurs (cheaper night pass) :slight_smile:

Normally I’d be like. OH YOU ARE SO LUCKY!

But the Sierra’s haven’t done very well for themselves this year so far.

The place to be this winter so far is Whistler or Mt. Baker, WA

it really wasnt that bad out this weekend, quite a bit icy but there was enough people that it shredded nicely into loose granular. Not a ton of runs open, but ut was worth the trip down… Ok, off to drinking in eville

How was the coverage?

Went to KirkWood Resort. Have 22" of base and recieved about 6-8 inches of powder this morning. It was snowing pretty heavy when i was leaving…if it continues, should have another fresh 10" for tomorrow.

I’m sure conditions have been better, but it’s definently better then i’ve ever seen down in ellicotville.

True, I’d rather be in the PNW though.

coverage at eville wasn’t that great, there was quite a few bare spots, and as the rain and warm temps continued for the weekend, the trails got pretty shredded. It was mostly clean runs the way they had it setup, but places like the crest of sunrise and the base of mardigras had a good amount of dirt and rocks exposed

You should look me up. I was down there Sat and Sun training with all the ski patrollers pulling the toboggans down the hill.

how much did this run ya for the trip?