Official Toyota cheats thread

This shows what a joke NASCAR is.
Everyone cheats but you can only cheat in certain ways.
Similar to, you can smash into some people in some fashion but not just anyone at any time.
The key is figuring out when and where you can cheat and smash.
How f**king retarded.:bloated:

Anybody else find it funny that out of all the NASCAR cars the only one that is made in the US is the Toyota?

Ford, Dodge, and Chevy’s entries are all made in Canada or Mexico

I’m speaking of the real-car models that are simulated in the race cars (Taurus, Charger?, Monte, Camery)

although I could careless…why would they put the same substance twice with 2 different manifolds…that would be the 1st thign they are going to check again…and I am with Jeremy at Daytona and Talladega…simple Aero mods can be more effective than fuel additives…but it all depends on what kind additive too


Anybody else find it funny that out of all the NASCAR cars the only one that is made in the US is the Toyota?

Ford, Dodge, and Chevy’s entries are all made in Canada or Mexico

I’m speaking of the real-car models that are simulated in the race cars (Taurus, Charger?, Monte, Camery)


And only dodge is based off of a rear wheel drive car.


And only dodge is based off of a rear wheel drive car.


it doesnt even really matter…all those cars are the same except for the front clip, rear clip and maybe the quarter windows. for the most part, if you took those parts off the car, everything else is the same. its more or less the same car that manufacturers endorse. the engines are all the same too pretty much. they all have to be 350 cubic inches (i believe thats the number), however each team has its own in-house engine builders and such, and some teams put some :snky: stuff on to help them along a little bit hehe.

Well yeah but there used to be a time when it was referred to as stock car racing. Its kinda bs but whatever i don’t watch it. Even when they go to this car of tomorrow thing its still gonna be turning left.

The roofs are actually provided by the automotive manufacturer too I think…and i think its 358 ci


This shows what a joke NASCAR is.
Everyone cheats but you can only cheat in certain ways.
Similar to, you can smash into some people in some fashion but not just anyone at any time.
The key is figuring out when and where you can cheat and smash.
How f**king retarded.:bloated:


That pretty much sums it up. Especially all the bumping. That shit makes no sense at all. One race you completely plow into someone, and it’s all good, but the next race you barely tap someone else and you’re wrong?

Make up your minds NASCAR :bloated:

^^^ i do like watching nascar but they really need to set the rules straight. theres alot of shit i dont like or dont think should be apart of racing. it used to be a gentlemens sport but now i dunno what it is. like the whole part of if u wreck some one no big deal… sometimes i mean come on. at the saterday night local races if u wreck someone ur sent to the back no questions about it and thats the way it should be.

the fuel contained acetone to raise gas levels same thing that a few teams in the hooters cup nationals got caught doing.

What a difference a year makes.