OFFICIAL: "Whine about morAns on the road" thread.

it actually is entirely possible that this had nothing to do with you.

these threads always end bad hahah:drama2:

u serious?

no but that red golf with the shocker sticker was fs on here a while back. he drives like a fucking tool.
this car?

I have flown past lots of cars at 100+ does that mean that I was trying to do a ricer flyby in my stock car? Then getting stuck in traffic at high speed just means they are retarded for driving at excessive speeds in traffic. Honestly I don’t usually give two looks to a firebird, unless i know the car or if it is real loud and moving along at my pace. Infact i slowed down to get a look at a nice new porsche today. I would bet that it is more flattering when someone comes flying up on you only to slow to your speed and drool over your car.

yuppppp thats the car… what a fucktard

you guys really need to stop making excuses for these people… i was there… i saw what happened… they riced out

the kid in the red vw sucks real bad. don’t know the blue one though

but seriously? another thread calling out stupid drivers? :picard:

try riding a motorcycle and dealing with this shit.

lol what a piece. You should have parked your car on top of his! After seeing that car i would change my tune and venture to bet that he was trying to fly up on you, and in traffic to boot. Retards.

He pulled up next to me at a light gave me the “fuck you buddy” look and then I proceeded to say fuck you and rape him off the light:D

i seriously hope this kid doesnt have to get cut out of that thing… but i would rather see his head like a crushed melon on the pavement, than see some person on their way home from work get killed or turned into a vegatable because they wanted to rice out… it seems only a matter of time with his shit… funny thing is they were balls out with their little Nazi cars, and i caught up to them without having to drop a gear or having to auto X my way around people

VW’s are slow as balls, but they’re suuuuper comfy and handle amazing.
I still want an fbod<3

people are assholes, wasting time complaining about it is pointless, its not gonna stop them from doing it.

i’m not making excuses or saying they weren’t being jerk off ricers. i’m just saying there is at least some possibility that they were just being fucktards speeding through traffic and they just happened to go by you. that’s all i meant.

i know people look at my fbod. blue wheels ftw. i still get a kick out of little kids yanking on dads pants to look. next up buy a porsche.

why would you bother? sounds just as dumb as them racing thru traffic in the first place…

:lockd:why must these stupid and pointless threads be allowed to be posted:lockd:

hhheyyyyyyyy that hurts.

Seriously man, why do you have to hate on my car. Besides the 1.8T is > *. I don’t care what you are running, it’s not nearly as awesome. Silly domestic owners thinking they are all that, shouldn’t you be filling up at a gas pump or something?