Oh hell yes - The Fast and Furious - *vid*

its kinda like Speed 2 but insted of a boat they use a bus.

i think they need to make nascar movies, more like days of thunder and what not, with cole and dick trickle…

No offense to you or anything… But Initial D is good and all, but when you put it that way… I’ll say it straight… You’re imagining life to be closer to Initial D than actors driving riced up Eclipses and shit…

I’m not saying that 240’s are the shiat, really we all drive rusty POS econo-sports cars… There’s other cheaper and more reliable cars out there than ours…

But if you’re taking the side of Initial D being all JDM tyte yo, its real vs. F&F… How many AE86’s do you know beating the crap out of 2nd gen RX-7s? I’m not saying that the racing is realistic in F&F, but take a look at the world? What do you see more? AE86 super-car status beating R32’s and shit, or ricers driving around recklessly in riced out mid-range cars? If you look at it this way, F&F has more realism to it today…

Also, why does it say at the start of ID that this story is based on a fictional story, fictional characters, etc. Do not attempt to mimic whats being done, etc.? Drive safe, wear your seatbelts of whatnot…

But f-that… Lets not get this thread anymore off-topic…

wasnt the bus in the first speed?

lol days of thunder is totally kick ass… 1 name…

Dick Trickle, hahah

morningside and 401 theatres?

^im down!

+1 wal -mart parking lot is huge and usually empty at night
+1 because its by the hiway, cant miss it

are you serious? do you know what 50/50 weight balance is?! thats whats most cars try to achieve and thats what the ae86 has. anyone can drift a s-chassis but not everyone can drift an ae86. the ae86 is a very potent car and the only reason you dont see a huge fanbase is that theres fewer of those around than s-chasis cars. not to start a debate but most tuners will pick a mint ae86 over a mint s13 7 times out of 10. the ae86 is what started the drifting trend in japan. in fact it cost more in japan than a r32 gts-t, s13 silvia just for the fact that its a better overall car. if your asking how realistic initial d is, they actually consult keichi tsuchiya on the whole anime. that anime is very loosely based on how he started drifting. so it is somewhat realistic.

p.s. did you want the truth why you see so many s-chasis at drift comps? you can easily buy one for cheap, relatively cheap to modify, more aftermarket support, very easy to drift.

Alex dont bother arguing… very few even read through their posts.

I am PUMPED to see this movie. I’m gonna sit through it with a notepad for all the vin diesel one liners.

I talked with Osad, he agreed to catch the paul walker ones and we were gonna cross-reference our notes.

At the end of the day whats most important to the director/editor etc etc?


And they will do what ever it takes realistic or unrealistic.

I watched some behind the scenes of fast and the furious with Craig Lieberman the producer of the F&F movies who is a car enthusiast and who actually owned the orange supra in F&F and he was going on about how the directors and everyone else take everything out of context. Everything from Nos to doing a burnout while popping a wheelie its all to get you to walk out of the movie and be like “wow that was sick!” After all 3/4 of the people seeing the movie don’t know anything of cars or realism…and the 1/4 of us that have some knowledge watched it 3 or more times so we can joke around about realism etc. No one here is accomplishing anything arguing between movies, were all just suckers who paid to watch these movies while the movie crews made big money.

initial D the live action movie SUCKED i was so vex!! sad to say

that Supra that the black guy was driving in FF2, i just saw it in another TV show, i was like wow dont they now EVERYONE knows where that car came from!

Heres one of the videos i came accross

Anyone catch the riced out S14? @ 1.39 lol