Oh look..another Honda

any updates??? Can’t wait to see the finial “outcome” of the rex

The car is getting stripped down to nothing on saturday and I’m going to start re-painting the engine bay and the interior.

The y8 is getting pulled…torn apart and taken to a machine shop sometime next week hopefully. It’s getting bored over and forged internals. I’ll have pics and updates this weekend :tup:

why are you boring it? you gonna sleeve it? if not, i wouldnt take ANY material off those cyl walls.

I found a killer deal on 75.5mm pistons with rods.

Get it stripped yet…up for pix!

not yet…hopefully next weekend.

I was busy this week helping IKSHO89 with his stealth, we’re painting it in my garage.

Mabye if you werent screwing around it would Be done lol JkJk


LOL…you’re just jealous of my tits.

If your interested, I have a mint Saab turbo and bosch BPV for cheap…$150 for both

i’m sticking with the t3 i have now…thanks anyway :tup:

by any chance did you get that from m & m u pull it???

updates/pics coming tonight! :tup:

Well got the interior stripped today :tup: The entire wiring harness was pulled, I’m re-doing the entire thing, a lot of it was half-assed and I want a nice clean look…plus the entire car is going to get a repsray. Pics are on the way…kudos to IKSHO89 for taking them and for helping me today.

Me holding the harness lol



Chassis harness’s are fun, I pulled 2 this week.

yeah it was a bitch to pull, it didn’t take long to pull…just a pain