OH, thats a fucking mirror?!

^+1, just made some for breakfast

lol, well played.

fuck em, when someone clips your frotn end, stand on the gas with the most paniced look on your face, if you get in the right spot they are going upside down, at worse they are spinning hard and taking down a median, then promptly lock up the breaks and lay down some skid marks, so it looks good.

Fix stupid drivers one at a time.

Wow this sounds great

Yeah. I literally drive for a living, in the city. if I started a thread everytime I got cut off…

It’s funny, you somehow are able to articulate exactly how I feel about a lot of things, while I just sit here and try to put words together

the nose hair thread had some clout behind it because howie posted it.

How long before someone starts crying because of tea bag hair?

i dont get it.