Oil Change Question...

Definitely change the oil.


is there a product that will “flush” the oil pan and shit out of the motor? If so, is it worth it and whats it called?


Diesel oil is much higher in detergents, and you could run that for 500 miles or so to clean it out.

I used to use RESTORE in my winter cars back in the day. It def works. Takes about 200 miles or so for it to fully work. Helps to increase compression a bit, reduce blow-by I would imagine too.

that restore crap never worked in my old nissan sentra. its just another miracle in a bottle.

still change the oil though. my wifes old saturn used oil. in the end it had ~175k on it and it only met its maker cause someone rearended it.


restore, slick 50, Lucas oil additive… all seem very similar and will get decent results. and to clean out the crank case, use trans fluid and let the engine run for about 20 minutes, then change the oil