Oil filter on an 03+ cavy

So yesterday I’m changing the oil on my girlfriends car, and I couldn’t find the oil filter. Well, it didn’t have ANYTHING close to what one would think would be there. She even said… “Someone once tried to change my oil and they coudldn’t find the filter” I thought how hard could this be.
Well, the oil fitler is under a plastic cap, with a large hex top (Needed a large socket to take it off, an adjustable wrench couldn’t get in there)
it’s a paper filter, that’s almost like a fuel filter, and it’s almost in the block…
all I can say is… it was retarded, and I had to vent / make fun of it

cliff notes:
When attempting to change the filter of an 03+ cavy, look for the oil filter to be in the front of the motor, under a plastic screw in cap (W/ a hex top), the 03 is drivers side under the air-hose, I think 04 it is on the passanger side.

fuckin ecotech

yeah, I heard about those. From what I hear its actually a better way of filtering the oil but I dunno if thats true or not.

I found it very easy when I owned a ION.That was probably the only thing i liked about that car. i wish more cars would use a topside filter.

oh u didnt know about the 4 dollar filter. its a really nice design and all ecotecs have them. i like it because it leaves less of a mess.

oh yea 32mm u can only take it off half way or yu wontget it out

I never found it to be a problem.

my 98 grand am had an “in pan” filter … a big aluminium plug in the botton of the pan with a fuel filter style filter that slid in

apparently on that car if i broke the pan (common thing as i was told) the oil pump is part of the pan too … so its damn expensive from the dealer

its why i let my oil go for the 14000 miles i had it :slight_smile:

i used to work at valvoline n ive seen that on a few cars… mainly it was on saturns


Any other 95-99 Cavalier, and it’s on the block.

1 1/4 a few turns to loosen and twist out with hand. it’s a really good design and as said it leaves less of a mess. i do at least 20 of these a week at work. It’s much better than the block mounted cavy’s which are a royal pain since they leak all over the flex pipe and axle.

i had the same design on my mazda, i thought it was awesome.

anything that doesnt piss oil all over the block, frame and your arm is a good design

my s10 4cyl had a stupid filter location… side of the block above the crossmember, next to the suspension more or less … chevy actualy made this extra piece of plastic that was snapped into place to try to direct the oil drips to the drain pan … not that it worked at all …

is it that hard to put a filter low on the block , facing straight down so shit hits the drain pan and nothing else ?

yeah i remember than on Jims S-10 it was soo gay

having wrecked mine > having to do another oil change

i remember my dad going “what are you gonna do about THIS”
my response “i was 30 miles from my next oil change, this is the best thing i could have asked for”

same engine is in my sunfire. I refuse to even try to deal with it so i always take it somewhere to get the oil changed.

I kinda like the design… I just wish they painted the cap orange… and Wrote OIL FILTER on it so that noobs like us didn’t look like retards in front of their girlfriends.
me: “I dunno how they didn’t find the oil filter, it’s very easy to spot”
Me: “Hmm… Where the fuck is the oil filter”

Tell her to change her own oil. :mad: