Oil filter question

So I was going to change the oil in my mom’s 98 taurus today, when I noticed that the old oil filter that was on the car is shorter than the new one that NAPA gave me.

They are different brands(Champ to NAPA brand), but I guess the question is, will it make a difference?

The width/radius/circumference is the same, and the gasket lines up nicely, so could it cause problems?

no problem.

Oil filters are made to fit alot of applications.

You might notice it takes a little more or less oil.

^^ yup-not a problem

yep i use a longer filter on the ttype, no problems.

Thanks for the replies guys.

Napa filters are pretty good filters. Especially when they come from Skrappers napa!!!

i use a napa gold because its made by wiks and they dont make a racing filter for a honda

As long as it’s not Fram. They offer filters ranging from garbage to junk. :tup: