Oil rig blows up, gas prices follow trend?

It isn’t cheaper, we as a whole country pay subsides for farmers to grow crap corn. If we didn’t pay these commerical type farmers a ton of money, corn wouldn’t be produced due to the imposed market price by the government.

It costs 1 gal of gas to produce a little under 1.5 gallons of E85, and that’s before we pay our taxes to make it. There are other bio-fuels that would be cheaper to produce:

                                ----------------------energy balance - gallons per acre - CO2 lbs/gal

Corn Ethanol---------- --1 - 1.5 ------------ 350------------- 16.2
Sugarcane Ethanol----- -1 - 8 --------------675 --------------9.0
Cellulosic Ethanol------- -1 - 30 ------------1,150------------- 1.9
Algae------------------- 1 - 3.5----------- 5,000 --------------0

Don’t be a retard that doesn’t care about the enviroment.

And yes, SlackJ94 we could get rid of our dependency on foreign oil very easily. We need to invest more into wind and hydro power technologies.

Also, we get most of our gas from Canada everybody. 18% of imported oil comes from them, 11% from Saudi Arabia.