"oil" spots seeping out of new concrete

I don’t know how else to describe it. A newly poured section of the garage floor started to develop what looked like small oil spots as it cured. Hosed it today and there are hundreds of oily dots (looks like used motor oil).

Any ideas what it might be?

When they poured it, they used a hand mixer (like 5 bags at a time) instead of having a truck come. God knows why they did it that way. Something in the mixer? In the bags of concrete?

Yet another example of why I would like to do every single job myself.

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Garage Floor Oil1.JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Garage Floor Oil1.JPG)

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Garage Floor Oil2.JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Garage Floor Oil2.JPG)

heh wow that’s fucked up

that’s fucked up

Maybe it’s left over apshlat from their tools?

f’d up, what’s their response?

Maybe something was in the mixer?

munster is the guy to ask on this one

They’re not open today, which is probably better since it gives me 2 days to calm down.

thats real fucked up man. we are doing a job at the rostraver EMS building by Jake’s Pizza.
i do concrete all the time and i never saw anything like that happen. looks like they may have had color for concrete in their drum and maybe some powder was left?
they did a half ass finish job also. i guess they never heard of a finish (steel) trowel or letting the concrete set up before getting on it. can you use a creeper on it?

You should have seen it the first time they tried. It sloped toward the house instead of toward the drains - a lot. Jackhammered it back out and repoured it. Finish got a little better.

And it’s not oil, maybe some kind of dirt or something. It mixes with water, and after it comes out, it leaves a nice little hole.

I think my solution is to have them rip it out, refund me the portion of the money for pouring the floor (there was other work involved), and I’ll deal with it myself.

And maybe I won’t charge them for me having to remove blocking and a 4x4 that they left in the rafters in the basement, a light fixture that was off, a wall outlet that was off, the shitty patch job on the basement floor where they had to dig holes, and the concrete they splattered on the garage ceiling’s plaster skim coat that won’t come off.

Now I’m pissed all over again.

Ironically, the company is called “A Better Choice”. :hahano: :mad:

Its not oil its rust from a stone they used in the concrete I pour concrete everyday and if u ever see rust on a driveway its usually from an element in the concrete with the stone it seeps up through the concrete. If they are gonan re do it again have them order a truck and actually wait to get on it til its semi set up or atleast use a bowl float to get some cream up to the top and to push some of the stone down

I know what you mean about the rust. There are a few spots on my driveway. I can actually dig this stuff out of the concrete though and when I break it up on my fingers it looks black. That wouldn’t be rust, would it?

its not actually rust its a mineral in the stones when they mix the concrete it just looks like rust …tell them to order a real truck if they are gonna do it again hand mixing is a piss poor way to do it …

kick thiers asses Jeff!

It could actually be coal/lignite in the sand. Coal will actually pop up out of the surface, and the only way to stop it is drill it out. It’s on the sand companies, but of course they never back ya. The cure probably pushed it up. If they used a poor sand (ie…from somewhere that really has no quality control) then this would be more common. We had it happen a few years ago with a few hundred tons of sand.

Get a masonry bit and drill one of the spots out. See how far it’s down.

x2 on that finish. Damn. It’s a garage floor…burn it smooth.

Ciotti’s still in business? Patsy can lay some great concrete if he’s still doing it.

What was their reason for mixing it themselves rather than ordering a truck?

thats probably the lignite like he said…I couldnt remember the name before …if they used Sakrete/Quickrete then its guaranteed junk for a floor no fibre or anything holding it together

I couldn’t figure it out either. I specifically asked about getting a truck but they bought bags at Home Depot and took all day mixing and pouring. Even with their discount it couldn’t have been that much difference in money, especially since they had to rent the mixer!
