The only time i really drink anymore is whenever my friends from Canada come down for the weekend. Even than it’s a small ammount. If i go to cruise night or a bar or whatever i might have a beer but thats about it. Let your friends rag on you all they want man, but ultimately at the end of the night your the one thats gone cash in on all the broads they scared away with their slurring, and lack of druel retention skill. But really. i was at a small get togeather about a year ago, and this girl came up to me and asked how i could have fun without drinking. Wasnt really sure what to say so I just told her that i have fun everywhere i go, and dont need booze to do so. Kinda a pointless story but it allways makes me laugh for some reason.
Good for you though man. Keep it up. you wont regret it.