Old Son vs. New Son.

LOL. Some people like the pignose. But I agree :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the new son how its so much easier to customize your personal settings and I think the updated look its really nice too.

However I would love to see the latest posted forums come back to the home page. I found I that it helped everyone get a their forum noticed before one started searching for whatever. I found often I came to SON looking to buy new car parts only to have a forum about painting cars that caught my eye for example. Other wise I would never have looked at it. So it could have a small effect on the amount of responses people get.

I will talk to the other admins about that. It was something that I originally wanted to have, but we didn’t have the horizontal space. I can place it in the vertical space on the right sidebar if you are really loving that feature.


old is gold! not exactly computer savy so this new version is gonna take some getting used to

New Son.

Thanks for the support guys. Once the technical stuff is out of the way we’ll look at aesthetic changes.

Matty, there are a few dozen accounts like yours… the other one still exist, its just idle at the moment. We will get them merged.

new son, there’s more shit. just have to get used to the layout

though i dont like look, and i do think it needs tweakin… and the way the forum is setup imo aswell…
i do like some of these new features…
specialy the pm notification one…

but yah glitches need fixing first… like i cant click the 2nd page of this thread… keeps taking me back to page 1…

lol i got the 2nd page thing too, i kept trying to click it but nothing happened. then after i posted it showed my post as the first one on page 2, sooo there was a page 2 before it existed? cool.

Is it only members that get sigs and avatars? Or is it open to everyone?
And was the old son 25 replies per page or 50? Cause the pages seem shorter.

some of the features you can set up for thread display options in your panel.

not sure what the default is.

as for sigs and avatars… there are some that may not have imported over… there certainly are some icons like that anyways.

new son!

i like the new son, but the old son is still nice


…Seriously though, I dig the new layout, the cross forum posting means nothing to me since I didn’t visit those sites before, but upgrades are nice, and it’s not like the SON section is really any different other than aesthetics.

the network sections allow for a broader off-topic base (SON finally has OT back) and the wheels and tires thing is going to be good as well… and now there are more people to sell to, buy from, chat with…

meh i like old … although i do like the fact that there is red line under the words i cant spell right, this should help me cut down on my usual mistakes … nice avatar Bing lol…

like new son just going to take some getting use too

As long as I don’t see any red x’s, I’m happy… But… If I see red X’s http://www.onyxsyndicate.com/images/fu.gif

Coles Notes: :redx: = http://www.onyxsyndicate.com/images/fu.gif

The old one was nice but when things get goin full speed this new set up will be kick ass!

i can change it myself? the colours cant be faded, they need to contrast more