
^^Someone has to create distractions. The MSM main purpose is to distract American babies while the govt takes our candy. Saying they are FCC controllled is the understatement of the year.

They’re ignorant cock bags for doing it, but they have every right to do it.

Makes me want to burn a Koran, a Torah, a Bible, and a Bhagavad Gita. All religions suck when practiced by people who suck.

People just need to stop being angry. If everyone in the world would just relax and watch The Big Lebowski maybe enjoy a white russian or two the world would be a much better place. This is my plan for world peace.

Naw the milk in white russians will make me shit my brains out, and then I’ll be angrier. A few beers and Super Troopers is about right though.

LOL I really do think if people made super small changes(myself included) we could be headed to a much better way of life. Step one as Beck mentioned is to just stop being so worried about what others are doing and certainly not being afraid and making them an outcast for being different. Step two Lebowski/Troopers. Step three toss on a good jam(radiohead will work for this) and take a few min and just think about some positive thoughts, life is fucking great damnit! Last step is to just be a lil more selfless, help your neighbor and help your community(gf makes me do volunteer work so im good).


if your gf makes you do it…is it really volunteering?

I thoroughly enjoy helping the community. That was a joke har har har.


And RUGSR, where the fuck did you get this taxpayer dollars thing from that you keep mentioning???

I have never seen the Big Lebowski. I have now added it to my to-do list.

I find it entertaining that we have sunken to the level of the middle east.

Personally, let them build the mosque and just monitor it with cameras but I highly doubt that they are running a terrorist training camp inside a high profile building in NYC.

It just goes to show how sick people are. This bothered me when I heard about it, like the time we found the Quran in the garbage. There is a God.

Who knows maybe an American will fly a jet into it?

One of many articles out there

:bloated: srsly? An editorial in the Washington Times? You do know that’s opinion right? Not news? Not to mention, even that crock can’t pull in a direct link to taxpayer funding. It skirts the issue with statements like “creates the appearance of taxpayer funding”

Yep it’s being built with tax dollars.

Lol. Editorial

But rly, thats what Ive heard and read
So wheres the money coming from thats rebuilding other mosques around the world?

The far-right media outlets tend to follow the “Tell a lie enough times without backing down and people start to see it as the truth” philosophy. Here’s a case where it worked.


I seen him

That’s funny and terrible at the same time. I’m not emotionally confused.