on-line Tire Rack coupons?

Any one know where I can dig one up? Needing 4 tires and paying list sucks…

talk to gearhead. i think he gets good deals from tire rack.

did you try import export? what brand are you looking for?

Thnaks for the suggestions. Pete, I’ll check out gearhead and see what’s what.

Don, I haven’t checked Import Export yet. Probably will tomorrow. In general, I don’t patronize tire stores as they sell you what they’ve got and not necessarily what you need or want. But then again, I’m looking for all seasons, probably don’t need to give a shit what I put on there.

anyone that works at any dealer can get a deal… my buddy is the parts guy for saturn and gets me 15" all-seasons at cost… somewhere around 40 bucks a pop for BF winter tires too.

shoot me a size if you want me to call…

I can hook you up for a bit over wholesale, just let me know.