One band or genre you really wish people could appreciate

:tup: :tup:

you know what I was going to come into this thread and be the cocky “i have 3000+ “actual” records music nerd asshole who hates talking about music anyways” that i am, and be all like " i dont really care what other people appreciate", or say how half if not more on the bands mentioned are on MTV and super famous already.

but you my friend hit the nail right on the head. I want to high five you. Country music got bad when metallica did. I might even give it until the early-mid ninties. I dont even consider it country now. It is just really bad pop music made for moms, girls, necks, slow or “southern” folk, and trendy duchbags who think its badass to blast 106.5 , wear cowboy hats, and are probably secret brownie hounds anyways.

so yeah. people dont give “real” country music enough credit. :tup:
-not metal bands playing watered down garbage.
-not dudes making madddd E poppin beats on thier computers.
-Not diplo
*Bjork is a good one.(locally). shes fucking amazing, and really huge.


Zao’s 1st was amazing. I like them better with Dan now as the singer but that band cant keep a solid line up for more than 2 years. Russ left before the new album came out. Which, by the way, is very different from other Zao, but i think very good in its own right.

I saw 2 that listen to VOD? People dont know what their missing out on. Its good 'ol New York Hardcore. I dont like Tim’s Bloodsimple project as much as i like VOD.

And Haenszel…you do know VOD is playing a show in Long island with God Forbid right? Its Aug. 10. I saw them at their reunion show in April…it was the most violent concert i’ve ever been to. And Sept 12 Converge, Mastodon, and The Bronx are playing in Toronto. You should go. :slight_smile:

Randy Travis = old school? :biglaugh: God I’m old.

Hank Williams & Jr. = :tup: too

That the fact that Willie now sings “Don’t let your cowboys grow up to be babies” gives you an idea of where country music went.

Im with you on the country thing

Pinoneers like emmy lou harris have gotten left behind for the garbage being spewed out by most artists today (across all genres [except rap its ALL garbage]). This is as true for country as it is for rock as well

:tup: IMO the Hip are one of the best bands EVER. just amazing, especially live. cant wait to see them in Stratford ON Sept 9th!!!

Alright, poor example for old school. He’s still around, I just don’t remember him releasing anything new in a while. Ricky Skaggs, Roy Acuff, Johnny Cash, Charlie Pride… :stuck_out_tongue: I just meant legit country, not this new pop crap.

Is it just me or is all music becoming pop? Country, rap, rock, it’s all fucking turning into pop!

From my post number 14…

“Kids will buy anything MTV pushes and it pains me to see the CRAP they push.”

in all seriousness…I just wish people listened to more shit other then what’s on the radio, regardless of genre.

People always say “ALL I LIKE TO DO IS LISTEN TO MUSIC” but they stick to one thing. Granted I listen to a lot of hip-hop and I’m guilty of it as well, I try to peep other stuff on my free time a lot…so yeah. Try something new once in awhile :tup:

the postal service and i have always been in love with prodigy for some reason