one of the scariest things ever happened to me a few days ago...

OHHHHH… man. that would suck


ugh. remember when stupid tina faked a pregnancy to try and get me to date her?

i wonder if you have to pay double to abort twins… i have potent seed…

i told you she was crazy

haha. well the least scariest thing i ever did was ATM her. wassaaaa

have to get laid first… :wink:

burn… but for real the kid may want to get tetanus shot

I had my license for about a month when I was driving home from Work mid-shift of pushing carts at Tops to get some dry clothes from all the snow/sleet. At this point the snow was coming down really hard and visibility sucked. I turned down a side street that didn’t have any street lights and as soon as I made the turn I saw two kids on bikes directly in front of me. I went to slam on the brakes and uhhh well uhh sorta slammed on the gas and plowed into one of the kids. I stopped the car immediately with it still running to see how badly I fucked this kid up. He was laying on the ground grabbing on to his leg yelling “I can’t feel my legs! I can’t feel my legs!”… I thought I was fucked for sure. I didn’t have a phone or anything but there was a witness who ‘saw the whole thing’ and she called them for me.

About 5 minutes later a cop showed up… Told him everything (minus the acceleration) and then he started asking the kids on bikes why they weren’t wearing a helmet (because they were 15), why they were missing all of their reflectors, and why they didn’t have snow tires.

Then he took me in his car to get my info and told me that they were at fault. While I’m in the back of the car a bunch of my friends just happened to be walking by, noticed me in the back and laughed there asses off for a while. Two weeks later they saw me in the back of another cop car after some lady smashed into me going through a red light.

Turns out the kid that I hit went to the same school as me. The next day in class I heard it from pretty much everyone.

haha, you’re not the only guy she did that to, i’m sure he’ll chime in after work.


i feel your pain newman… i was also faked out with her, and she said it was twins too… that slut

hahahahaha no shit, me too

so who was first? cause the second guy kissed that mouth after… :frowning:

lol, tina was a bitch.

ugh, i wish when girls were the topic of a thread because two or more guys slept with her on nyspeed, someone would send her the link.

haha. dumb sluts

lol well i hoped she brushed her teeth in that year in between

but would it matter? would it really matter? lol jk

ya, newman was first. before newman (tina and i worked together) she drew me a pretty picture and bought me a bottle of my favorite gin and a carton of marb lights for my birthday once… but she was 16 and crazy so I didn’t pursue it… newman aparently didn’t care haha. plus her brother is like king scumbag. the kids name is dirty, srsly that’s what people call him. bc he’s dirty. needless to say, I wanted none of that…

Tina told me I got her prego once too.

oh and I just realized almost brett = brett bender, what up dawwwggggg. let’s go to allen again and leave pat mcneill to play pool with a gay dude that’s in love with him haha

Funny you would make this thread because yest. Im driving down Sheridan right by that club/restaurant(Is it called O?)…

It was after 9pm and about 15 yards away I see what looks to be a black guy strolling across the 3 lanes.

I didnt think much of it till I realized hes mentally challanged and has a walker.

Needless to say I got about 5 feet from plowing him and I had to slam on the break and make a complete stop so he could get on the sidewalk:banghead: