ontario new law to crush cars 15years and older

so i heard this today on the radio how Ontario and many other provinces are planing on banning and forcing people to give up there cars that are 15 years and older with the excuse that they pollute to much sure like they really give a shit, in japan they already have something like this but worse once your over 50000kms your car must go. has any one else heard of this new law that they want to happen?

Wont fly. Biggest load of political hogwash, maybe if its 15 years old and 400k and 8 different colors I can see it.

^^agreed you wont see those old school v8’s being crushed now.

so are they gonna crush ther beloved 89 5l mustang, or a 89 240, yea i would like to see this happen, no chance in hell this would fly, unless the government wants to give away new cars sure y not,
if this does pass, im shipping my silvia back to trinidad, they luv racing, they would neva do something like this
check out they forums and events

could also be if you trade it in it gets crushed. I’m sure the auto gestapo won’t come knocking on your door. It’s probably a proposition/incentive to trade in.

i would be soo vex if i have to give up my car just for this :@

then i could buy a honda fit! YES!

Can’t see something like that happening, it’ll be political suicide for whatever party that tries to push this one. This one affects everyone from all walks of life… a much broader range of people than the street racing one.

And how does that work, an older well maintained small displacement 4 banger many times has better emission scores than some of the newer cars. Really doesn’t make sense to me. I can see stricter emission testing, but to crush a car due to age is retarded.

lol never would happen thank god…

Could the OP kindly post links to support this rumour?

It’d be nice if it was a tax benefit to have your 15+ y.o. car crushed, I’d keep my blue hatch, pull the parts and get the “car” (read “shell”) crushed…

it could happen, its also called cash for clunkers in american linguistics.

na, doubt it.

…our country’s pretty much turning against us and our belongings then!

Not gonna happen.

it cant happen cause they making us do etest to keep within limits!!

we have a program that gives us some cash/discounts for “recycling” vehicles 94 and older lol
see http://www.retireyourride.ca/
i remember my emission guy telling me that they are getting stricter on cars 15 years and older
hey was telling to scrap my 240 for $300 thinking that i would gladly take it
little did he know that i have over 20x that in my car

wooooooooo oppp.

this is why i dont care for news. i look at the sun…just to see the sunshine girl(most cases she looks like a nightmare hung over a bedpost)

I pay for my shop in cash, no lease.

try to find my babies… which are awaiting thier historic plates (87 supra/95 s14)

so lets say this did go through…

  • i lose my cheap to maintain car
  • i pay higher insurance
  • i spend money i dont have to buy something out of my price range
  • anything i can afford is a faggaty anne econo rice box

wtf would anyone in my shoes go for this???

unless i get a straight trade on a brand new race spec vette with the insure paid for by the goverment! then id be first in line!

not happening. if anything its just cash4clunkers all over again thy should destroy all cars that have a mpg higher than XXmpg. bet most 15y.o 4bangers,6straights have lower emissions than some fucking hicks 2010 ford f150 pos.
and yes unless they are replacing my car with like a fucking lamborghini. they arent putting a hand on my car.

Can not legally fly.

If the government did try this. I believe there would be one fuck of a shit show within the mass’. I know I would go fucking insane.
With being a technician. I love 15 year old cars.
New cars are absolute shit. More problems then any 15 year old car in 3 years.

Then again, if this rumor is even half true.