Onyx Lapping leader board


pretty cool stuff.

I think we’ll add some additional data there to help distinguish between some cars. i have no problem being behind the R8.

eventually we’ll do classing etc.

This is all with a legit, infra-red based timing sytem. Not GPS based personal timing systems. A single standard system is necessary. GPS’s times van vary between models or a variety of other factors.

Our system is a custom application and we will be undergoing software revisions and updates over the winter to boost the number of cars on-track that it can handle at once.

Not bad…

the times are really only from the last day we had. I am sure this will get more and more competitive.

I am also sure that we’ll be holding some imprumptu track days before and after the snow hits as well.

before and after the snow?

fuck that

DURING the snow

me and dunnville jon have talked about doing some beater snow days


All timing systems will have a measurable difference between them… whether its gps or infared.

Which one is the best?

Epic idea is epic!

I’ll come pwn you all at winter driving in the Sentra.