Open letter to riders [bad ideas inside]


whered the op go?

Probably got dead riding triple digits at night in the cold wearing just a skull cap, sandles, and a thong.

Well we know he’s not at a bar…lol

He had a hoodie on too.

gotta stay fresh. I’m just wondering why he hasnt come back to reply.

So much hate.

Prolly tearing up the 198 with Joe, it’s perfect conditions out to go GPS 127mph

I <3 Lamp

Good in the snow?
It is FWD afterall

This thread is amusing.the cold don’t matter I dress in layers. But people who have been riding for a while know tire temp and ground temp are very important. I don’t care how good your tires are when the ground is 40 traction is scarce. Ask any track day rider. Going fast in a sraight line is not hard and lol 127 gps? Hahaha I wheelie that hahaha. But seriously talking from lowside experience don’t push it in the turns when its cold. My tires slid out on me a few times this year when it was chili. And everyone please don’t talk crap to the thread stater just let him do what he wants and find out the hard way. Who cares?

I’m salivating.

Seriously though, i’ll keep an eye out for the OP in the obituaries.

Pheonix is just trying to show off and sound like a bad ass rider. We all know that people like to impress other riders. We just all need to take it easy in the turns when its cold that’s all I’m saying.

So Jan first… I want to run my sled down the 198…

Dude, what’re you doing inside posting when you could be out RIDING?!!?!?


i need a leather =(

a suit?

So… the entire point of this thread was just so the OP can show all of us how big his balls are?

IMO…it’s the lack of his balls, more so of a vagina-esque nature.