Open letter to riders [bad ideas inside]

grampz… always so mature.

It’s what I do. plus the bullshit gives us a bad name. I don’t want anymore hassle riding on the street. Hate to have to sell it and buy a corvette :slight_smile:

Grrr… Chris… SaraH. You always do it wrong!


its hard not to do 100, 1st maxes out at like 86 with +2 rear

lol, great addition to the conversation.

I feel so unloved. I crashed in the cold :frowning:

but don’t condem it. I delivered my bike to the new owner in Feb… rode it there skiing off the side and Wheeling it as it was my last ride on it. took 2 days before i felt warm after that (rode from buffalo to Niagara Falls)

<3 mike as well


Now the real question…


yaaaaaa I AM LOVED :slight_smile:

:quick body check: I got rash on my hands from tackling a dog, past that i AM OK.

I like Pizza

yes. as of right now im doing ok. gkm made me lol a lot.

SaraH I’m sorry, lunch?

this thread is 0fficially awesome

Its to cold to ride to work.Then again i leave my house by 6:30 and if its under 55 the bike stays home.

I want sushi too.


You’re a puss if you won’t ride when it’s in the 40’s-50’s.

You’re a retard if you won’t recognize that it’s not the same as riding when it’s in the 70’s+ and slow down.

Triple digits on busy public streets is gay. Let me guess, it was at night too?

And of course:

Main points:

1)Don’t brag about irresponsible riding on the internet, regardless of your skill level.
2)The personal attacks are pretty pathetic.
3)If you think that temperature doesn’t effect traction, smarten the fuck up.
4)The personal attacks are pretty pathetic.
5)Ryan really hit the nail on the head with mention of deer, debris etc… so many more factors come into play this time of year.
6)The personal attacks are pretty pathetic.

<3 Paulo

<3 lamp


<3 Tim