Open letter to riders [bad ideas inside]

:pop: this thread got retarded at post .01

before the submit button was ever clicked. That being said.

Geoffs comment is valid…

Riding on public roads in cold weather, when conditions are less than ideal is foolish.

Be safe.

How is 50-55* too cold though. The same people that are posting in this thread are the ones that were out in the 40s pushing it as hard as they could(however hard that may be) in the spring this year.

Which im not condoning either… their luck might catch up with them.

Its not a risk im willing to take, nor is it a risk id advise my friends to take.

55 isnt tooooooo cold, but is it worth the risk? are your tires really up to a good temp?

its only going to get colder out, and this guy makes it sound like he thinks its smart to get out and race through NY until theres 6 inches of snow. Kinda ridiculous.

I love lamp

shit i was lightin that shit up toDAy, im down to ride but i am slow because i am too scuured to lean

Its okay, I never like riding with big groups/your groups anyways.

Have fun on the street, all mighty god of squids


And just for good measure…


What a coincidence, I’ve fixed up that bike in your sig. twice for going down in cold weather…Just saying…

Ride safe everyone…

there’s only one way to settle this…

Boys build me a garage and I won’t put the bike away. :wink:

Did you also help steal it? Or grind off the Vin? because the owner before Jake did that… Just sayin.

this thread just keeps sucking more and more

Since this thread is completely retarded…

Who wants to get sushi tomorrow?

I like hotdogs.

Ryan Miller has nice thighs.

Sometimes I wish I was taller.

If you pushed over a tree in East Aurora, would anyone care?

That is all.


I just read that you were doing 127 mph… cool. :doh:

im not saying I havent gone that fast, but meh, bragging about it on the internet? you just make yourself look stupid.

A+ chris. <3

this thread is way more fun to read than post…that all im saying cuz anything else i might type will piss off someone on here except for chris…cuz he is gay and loves me :slight_smile:

eh, i was out in february when it was 20 degrees outside. now that i dont have any leathers, anything less than 60 is too cold. plus ive spent enough on tickets this year to be riding hard on the street.

It’s not the going in a straight line at 100+ that’s dumb, its thinking you’re going to be able to stop or move if/when something gets in your path, be it an animal or w/e. I’ve got no problem riding in cold weather, I have heated grips and gear to keep me warm. Riding hard in cold weather when there could be dew on the road, leaves, animals (don’t forget we’re nearing the rut season for deer so they’re def. moving more) and all the other shit that might come up when riding is what’s dumb. The personal shots were pretty uncalled for and childish IMO. Everyone knows that consequences of riding hard in sub-par situations and I wouldn’t feel bad if someone went down because of their own stupidity or lack of experience.

I just wanna dance.

<3 Connor and Willybeen.

And Ryan

And Sara

And Geoff

And PureXTC

And Jason

And Tim

But not Joe (b5a4) or Phoenix, which btw is a retarded animal and doesn’t even exist, gawddd.

I rode today btw, and did a wheelie at 140mph, can I be hardcore now? <3

600’s dont go 140. silly.
