Opie and Anthony

lol @ roland…

the one laugh he had the other day was amazing…they used it as a clip on the end of the show

ill cut it down and post it p later…its amazing

haha, roland is a strange dude… only a matter of time before he turns into john wayne gacy

ugh…i wanted to hear what i missed this morning damnit

skunk, do you record them? PLEASE tell me that you have lil jimmy going off on the iphone/apple yesterday.

lol…i usually just DL them.

i can get it for you later if you want and send it to you.

that would be awesome man, I’d appreciate it


I cant believe that Larry Sinclair guy didnt get a call from Steve from Yellowstone when he was on the air yesterday

^ dude, I think that was Fez

yeah, all the more reason. ron and fez suck. the opie and anthony parody was the first funny thing i ever heard them do.

blasphemy, ron and fez rule. Ronnie B’s a witty mother f’er

keep listening,the show gets better. There are a lot of inside jokes and such that you don’t pickup on unless you’ve been listening for a while

LOL it was :slight_smile:

From where?

aaron, you have a PM that you should enjoy :tup:

do a search for opie and anthony on mininova :beer2:

jay… i always DL them from http://thepiratebay.org/

Listening to Roland laugh when reading the terrible news was making me crack up.

that or mininova has them

Roland is such a gilggly fuck…this sexpert chick is great

awesome… replaying “the art of the topless”

Pat Barringer is magnificently configured