Opie and Anthony

I loved the Miss Cleo skit this morning.

Anyone know a free podcast of their shows?

wtf…enough with the worst of…

stop taking time off!!! lol

look up a few posts :tup:

WOW… kinda nuts with tom

Some crazy ass shit right there.

no shit, I thought he was really going to pull the trigger

thats was really messed up. :confused:

kudos to yimmy though

wow, wtf. that was crazy.

:tup: to them getting him to unload the gun, and :lol: and shots fired

edit: nvrmind…

wow…those lawyers are toolbags for not wanting tom on the show

i was like holding my breath anytime i heard silence, like thinking i was gonna hear a gunshot. i felt like millions of people were like paying really close attention to their radio during that point

BANG “wooops, hey, im still here”

ant asking which gun it was lol…

what a DOLT

yea that was crazy shit… i ended up not hearing anything else after they went to commercial at 850.

They wont allow him to come to the show tomorrow?

wtf did I miss damn it

EVERY TIME! every time i miss the show something happens! please give me full detail.

Tom from whiteplains is sick of being sick and was ready to off himself…O&A talked him down and he accidentally fired around but didnt hit anything…he will be in studio tomorrow

sounds fake

yeah, I kind of agree.

anyone remember eddie the murderer from back in the WNEW/92.9 days? They sound exactly alike (but afaik, the police got involved with that… don’t know what happened to him)

you always know it will be a good show when patrice is on