
Sorry I’m not loaded and dident make cosemetic changes to make the car look less “gay” a number one priority.

Being a car guy , the last thing you should do is romp on somebody for their choice of car, we all have a common goal. I can bust on peoples balls about their car choice, but at the end of the day I respect everyones choice in vehicle and they know that. We all have our own reasons for owning one, even if its not your cup of tea so to speak. Many people on this forum think my car is ugly, but they have respect for it.

BTW, just remember that your car stemmed out from every other Z series before yours.

S30 Chassis, S130 Chassis, Z31, Z32… Many things were taken from these cars and improved upon and put into your car. Your car is meerly a tinker toy compared to its earlier predecessors.