Opinions on public smoking?

i hate public smoking espically at college because they all block the doors to get in …

i hate smoking… if i could i would be one of those cigarette protesters on tv and draw bodys all over sidewalks…

sorry to offend anyone

i agree completely with the current ban on smoking in bars, restaurants, etc. banning it outside? no. alcohol causes all kinds of risks for those that drink it, problems in families, dangers to the public, the list goes on. should alcohol be made illegal?

the question is how far should the government go to protect the public from themselves? sometimes ill look at a playground and realize how rediculously dangerous they could be for kids, and wonder why some nut job hasnt tried to have them removed. i see so many people that are so amazingly incompetent with things like driving, that i wonder who trusted them with a car.

i guess the point that i’m trying to make is that people pose all kinds of risks to themselves and others every second of the day, and to want or expect the government to idiot-proof the world from everyone is rediculous.

GROSS, you guys dont or may not realize how nice it is NOT to have smoking indoors, you really appreciate it more when you live somewhere that allows it. Especially eating food, about to take a nice bite then you get a breath of ash. And at concerts too, everyones all close together smoking, no way to not ruin clothes, and detracts from the show. Its called a door, smokers can use it.

i also have this annoying “spontaneous masteurbation” habit… if you don’t like it, i invite you to be on the losing end of my fluid exchange.

Whenever I have a smoke (which is not very often) I always go outside…its called common courtesy. Stand outside, where the smoke will dissipate, and people don’t have to walk threw it…not that hard to do.

This is something I have always wondered. I thought I was in the “smoke-free class of 2000” That didn’t happen. I don’t get why people even start. The facts about it are out there. It was enough for me to never try this stuff.

I’m with BuickGN on this one, people smoke get over it.

I’m fine with not being able to smoke in bars/restaurants or anywhere indoors – but outside? I highly doubt walking through a few people smoking outside is going to kill you faster then driving behind a construction vehicle…

Thats not the point to what people are saying. Why should people have to walk through that if they need to get somewhere.