OPP Plane??? 50km/h over speedlimit = street racing?

Track. hit up the lap days. You can go fast and it is not just in a straight line, or ya, you could do 1/4 miles if you’d rather that.
Just saying that there are safer and smarter places to do 200km/h.

Street racing is not the issue here. Getting re-elected is. We all know tackling small, irrelevant issues that are in the public eye is a good way to get votes. Nobody can do a damn thing about important stuff like the rise in hospital wait times, gun violence, Toronto’s budget problems, Ontario’s energy consumption problems, etc… If you were to rank issues by how much they affect society, you would go on for pages upon pages until you reach street racing. It’s Ontario’s terrorists. Shit that doesn’t matter, but they made it matter to get elected.

Hahahahaha that Honda Quote thing has been here for YEARS and that is becsaue it is from a song ;). Yes I have gone 160KM twice on the HWY and that is when I was 18. You Kids really have to grow up and show some responsibilty.

Why do you need to go 150 on the HWY? I would love to hear the reason that justifies you putting someone elses life at risk.

How will having race tracks reduce the number of underground street races?

What’s the real issue here?

Re-Election / Street racing / actual street racing / speeding?

By actual I mean, people racing for money on public roads.

Please explain how going 150km/hr on a 400 series highway puts someones life at risk?

What if it’s night-time and the highway is empty?

Do you actually believe that or are you just saying that to cause a ruckus.

I think Solarian’s comments are closest to the truth.

I can’t hit 200km/hr at Dunnville, believe me I try every lap.

Will more race tracks stop street racing?

I don’t know where the notion of “street racing” came into play but it’s not part of this new legislation.

Just to clarify the law that Harper is trying to pass would be as follows.

First offence:
+50km results in a $2000 fine, 7 day licence suspension and 7 day impound of the car. The driver is also on the hook for all storage and towing fees.

More than anything else this sounds like a massive cash grab! I suppose they need to pay off the 2 million dollar bill for those planes somehow.

dangers of driving 150km/h is relative to the vehicle and its capabilities…

I mean, 150 in a s-chassis with solid brakes dosen’t scare me, however 125km/h in the G/F’s Caravan scares me as in the minivan, there is no ability for accident avoidence except slamming on the brakes and crossing your fingers…

Gimme a break, there are like 1000 people a day who go 50+ in Quebec, probably double that in Ontario. How many deaths are there? 1 a month?

I do it because it’s fun, gives me a thrill in my otherwise dull life. There are no race tracks here, all there is is time attacks once a month and they are on weekends, I work weekends, so fuck the system, I’ll do it on public roads.

S13GG, very well said.

Solarian, that couldn`t be more true!

I DO actually believe that, because from any other perspective it doesn’t make sense. Statistically, the issue of street racing is damn near irrelevant, but they keep pushing it and pushing it like it’s hot shit. Why? Why is all this money being wasted on street racing? There’s so many better uses for it. I honestly think it’s just a political agenda, where the public stands to gain little or nothing.

i love the idea. soon you will be arrested for taking a piss in your bathroom if you dont wash your hands.

Do you really think this is leading us towards being a Nanny state?

Elections are coming and he is just using this as an angle for the people. I think so but it’s still stupid.

Do you have a tow hook? I think I can help.

I guess the legislators laughed Fantino out of Queen’s Park with his lets crush everything going 50km/h over. Would have loved have seen John Sleeman’s Bentley crushed for going 68km over…like that would happen.

Or look at that new Leaf trade, Mark Bell? Guys gets his jail time stayed till the end of the hockey season?

There will always be a 2-tiered legal system here…so unless you want to be proactive you just have to deal with it.

  1. Bah politicians manipulating ignorant people who don’t know shit about cars. Scaremongering of ‘safety’ (what a load of bullshit – FIX the shitty poor quality roads and make roads safer)

  2. Money laundring scheme.Easy money. Just imagine how much money they are yanking each day! Seriously, ever thought about that?

Since the fake liberal party with paul martin (bush ass kisser and who actually used to be a conservative anyways) and the conservative party came into power, the country became the suck with ever so many civil rights/liberties being yanked and lame laws that lead to an americanization of canada + huge money grabbing/make rich people richer and less fortunate people poorer.

When I came to Canada 11 years ago vs how Canada is now… all I have to say is Canada is starting to suck like the US… and I love Canada, but its becoming rather frustrating, the country is being ruined by a select few.

All this bullshit talk about freedom freedom, human rights, prosperity, when in fact its all newspeak, real freedoms and rights are being taken away and more and more control is being put in power while the rhetoric of ‘freedom freedom’ keeps being as loudmouthed as that of the US which is far from ‘free’. It really feels state controlled as if it was Russia in the soviet age.

By the way… Tonight on my way to work I saw THREE cop chases can you believe that… one of which had THREE cops involved. I bet cops get a hardon now even more. Not to mention the one that would (if ever) get a chance to drive the little waste of money plane haha. America wanabes.

What I find ever so amusing is cops going 200+ all the time, for example today three cops had to be going 140+ in a 60, they were horny for a chase on the highway or something I assume, but they were going mad fast… unless it was a murder or something lol, which I doubt in oakville.


You have heard it so many times from the government, police, and the insurance industry:
“Speed is a direct cause of almost all fatal or major accidents.”
“Speed limits exist for a reason.”
“We should target all sorts of aggressive/dangerous driving, including speeding.”

Not surprisingly, according to the 1996 Ontario Road Safety Annual Report, 449,508 speeding tickets were convicted, accounting for 60% of all Highway Traffic Act related offences. If we estimate a 90% conviction rate, close to 500,000 speeding tickets were handed out in Ontario during the year 1996.
But have you ever wondered why almost nobody obeys the speed limits, we haven’t yet all died of motor vehicle collisions? Maybe they lied to us?

Not quite. They are just very good at manipulating and twisting the meaning of the term “speeding”, and use it to their maximum advantage to hit home their propaganda. They even managed to do it so subtlely that the masses get brainwashed into thinking that speeding really kills.
First, let’s clarify what I mean by “speeding”, and later we will see how this gets twisted so subtlely that you don’t even notice at first sight.

“Speeding” is defined as driving a motor vehicle in excess of the posted limit by 1km/h or more. This is a fact and a law. If you are caught driving 61km/h in a 60km/h zone, you are speeding and it is illegal. Following me? Ok, read on.

“But driving 61km/h in a 60km/h zone isn’t necessarily dangerous,” you may wonder. That’s right, any competent driver knows that the maximum safe speed at which one can drive is affected by a number of factors:

  1. the road condition (dry, wet, snowy, icy etc.)
  2. the vehicle’s mechanical condition (drive-train, tires, brakes, steering etc.)
  3. the driver’s ability (fatique, age, emotion, mind concentration, drug influence etc.)
  4. the traffic condition (dense, moderate, light)
  5. visibility (day, night, fog, snow storm, heavy rain etc.)

These conditions change every minute and a fixed speed limit sign is hardly useful. Collisions occur because drivers fail to heed one or more of the 5 factors above, not solely because a magic number painted on a white sign is exceeded.

Now this is the catch. When they tell you that speed kills, the term “speed” really means “too fast for conditions”, which is precisely why collisions occur. But perhaps more than 98% of the “speeding” tickets are cited for “too fast for speed limit”, rather than too fast for conditions. When the police say they want to target dangerous drivers (including speeders), what they really do is they setup a speed trap on an open highway on a warm and sunny day (the least dangerous condition to go fast)

When we already have careless driving to cover the “too fast for conditions” situation, it becomes obvious that there is absolutely no legitimate or ethical need whatsoever to have another “too fast for speed limit” offence.
In addition, the insurance companies intelligently use this double meaning of “speeding” to charge otherwise safe speeders extra premium while assuming no risk. They don’t even bother to make the distinction between different levels of speeding. A 1km/h over ticket has absolutely the same effect as a 40km/h over ticket.

Actually I bet you can, you skyline owners are used to pulling a lot of dead-weight around. :slight_smile:

Good article however your subject line makes me question your ability to think critically. “Fuck The Police”

well, all i know is that if this does go into effect, everyone who likes the passing lane on the 407 is fucked.