Orange or Yellow?

What color would you say this is. Yellow? Orange? Those are the two options. Im having a debate on what colour it is. What do YOU think.

I dont care what Ford calls it, as the sales person actually didnt agree with it either. so lets here what YOU have to say! please vote!




Wait I’m gonna rescind that.

It’s more like a Sun-Faded Dusty Citrus


seriously though its definitely yellow.


brb colorblind as fuck :frowning:


its main base is yellow, but it looks like it has a slight orange in it. it also may be like that bc of the angle of the picture…

It’s fucking yellow.

Its yellow I win, u mad

puke orange blaaaaaaaaaaaah

it’s “yellow blaze”… i work at ford. not a nice colour, but not the worst out of all of them ford has

looks like piss

Its yellow. You need to see it in person. Its got like pearlorange in the paint. Haven’t seen a focus in it yet but we’ve had a few fiestas at work in that colour. Its yellow.

I was initially gong to say yellow…

but damm, that is right down the middle…

It’s actually called sunflower yellow… it’s a yellow but with orangeness in it…


Sunflower Yellow:


And I love sunflower yellow personally. One of my favourite colours

its a slightly darker shade of yellow
you goons blind or somethin?