OS Lion

Alright. Who else is excited for the keynote on monday? My only question is this. We recently bought a new iMac about 2 weeks ago and if they release Lion on monday will they give us an upgrade for free? They better or a customer service rep will get an ear full.

Free? Apple? Nahhh.

I’m only interested in it because Mac Mail 6 now supports Exchange 2010

No it wont be free. Lion is a big upgrade that adds a lot so you will need to pay for it when it comes out. There is rumors tho that people who pay for the upgrade will get free iCloud service to some extent.

They usually DO offer an “up to date” program for those that recently bought computers from them. I’d be surprised if they stopped doing this now.
In the past it was a $10 upgrade direct I believe…though retailers/etailers and the apple store get free copies to hand out/include in the box for existing stock. My hunch is if you ask you will receive.

Snow Leopard Mac Mail support SUCKS for Exchange 2007. We have TONS of issues with attachments going through the Exchange server etc…
Ical blows and never seems to sync properly to the server either. We have exchowa showing sometimes dramatically different calendar events. Hopefully Lion is better but I’m not holding my breath.

Mac Mail in general sucks…some of our users prefer it though over Entourage (now Outlook). We moved to Exchange 2010 SP1 and it’s impossible to get Mac Mail working with it in 10.6 and below.

We are on Exchange 2007 and that requires 10.6 even. No clue if/when we’ll go to 2010 Exchange.
Entourage has always been piss poor. The new Outlook for mac isn’t that bad IMO but for delegation on multiple calendars it’s gay…it only has one shade of gray for the active calendar and one different shade of gray for ALL inactive ones. Good luck if you manage 3+ calendars and are trying to see cross availability. LOL

You guys hiring? Just in case the state does really go broke…maybe I should start looking elsewhere. :wink:

Haha good luck with that…

We’re not ATM :P. Outlook 2011 also doesn’t allow you to separate the calendars, they are always in overlay view. The inbox view is kinda shitty too.

They’ve done it in the past. I’d expect they’ll continue to. I think there was a month grace period where they would give you the updated OS for cheap/free.

Yes. In the past the “up to date” program was a 30 day window for qualified purchases.

Actually Apple typically will give OS upgrades for free with in the first 6 months I believe I can’t remember but typically you can get it free if they release a upgrade shortly after you bought your new machine.

^^^^^^ “up to date program”

Alright thanks. We bought it at Best Buy. I’ll just wait to hear on monday and see if it comes out then go from there. Can’t wait to see what they have to say.

If they say no or have nothing go to the Apple store. The Apple store has excellent customer service IMO.

Apple phone support is VERY customer friendly. The hold music is always good too… I just don’t like their products/company/owner