exactly why we should tax more
This is great news! All Hail Allah!
I will quote myself from another thread:
If you hate your neighbor, and dont get along with each other… forget even making the parallel of going to war and shooting them like the US VS Taliban… WOULD YOU BUY THEM A NEW CAR? A NEW HOUSE OR ADDITION? MAYBE A NEW GRILL AND SOME FILET-MIGNON FOR DINNER???
FUCK NO! You wont invest in making there quality of living better! You fucking ignore them, when they piss you off or start shit you fight back and kick their ass, then ignore them again. jesus fucking christ… is this a hard concept?
apparently so. Ohh you bomb and kill thousands of out people, we will get you :shakingfist then kill a bunch of them and for the remaining few we buy them cool shit! way to fucking go.
we pay for the ammunition they use to blow our choppers out of the sky, brilliant!
But guys, we’re winning their hearts and minds!
Don’t forget we trained most of these Taliban fighters when they were at war with Russia long ago as well…
I don’t get why we would want to spark the economy there to be better… That place has ALWAYS been a shithole, and with it’s location, that’s all it is destined to be.
“A central part of the Obama administration’s strategy has been to award U.S.-financed contracts to Afghan businesses to help improve quality of life and stoke the country’s economy.”
I got that far and had to stop reading. What the fuck is Obamas deal?
He’s just giving some money to his fam
i could have sworn he was a known member of the Taliban
I heard about this earlier and it made me sick.
Couldn’t agree more sadly they really do behave like a bunch of animals and will continue to kill eachother long after we live. Might as well pull out and let them get back to it.
Let’s get cossey or Jammer to run for pres
They couldve made one hell of a bomb with that money and leveled the whole middle east with it already.
you voted for obama…
me too, fuck their economy. I’m concerned with ares. I could car less if they live in the street and piss and shit in buckets. Place should be a global parking lot imo.
like the other asshole wouldve been any better, especially with that deranged cunt as a vice president, the same twat that popped out a tard and then quit being governor because she was bored.
OF course he would’ve been better, he’s a republican!
voting for somebody just because he’s from a certain party is retarded.