One of my good friends was in Bahrain for six months. He had an AK pulled on him in a mall while he was Christmas shopping with ten Marines. Guy was screaming that they didn’t want their American blood money. This guy was just an individual. Leave the work over there for the guys that are trained to handle those situations. Civilian in war zone = easy target.
I wouldn’t go into that place if I was paid 50k a month. Cash isn’t worth anything when you’re in 100 pieces scattered along a dirt street.
Sounds like an interesting job
dont worry about dying over thier, You could choke on a pretzel this very moment .I would just be worried about living conditions. the same routines get old very fast.
I would jump on the chance to see how other cultures live :boink.
I’m sure most parents wouldn’t feel good knowing that their son or daughter is somewhere in Iraq. Knowing how my parents would feel would be the reason to stop me from going over.
they still hold your hand across the street?