overheating brakes

Ive been having an issue with the left front brakes getting really hot and smelling like theyre burning on my '06 4x4.
Last weekend the brakes got so hot that the caliper broke apart and scorched the rotor and pads so I replaced everything. The rotor was red and so were the pads when I took it apart.
It was fine for a whole week and about 400 miles but today I noticed the smell again.
Its only the left front thats burning.
What could be the cause? I thought for sure the new caliper would fix it.

Brake hose

is that something easy to change?

Yes its easy. he’s talking about the flexible hose that goes from the caliper to the hardline on the chassis. When they break down inside they can cause pressure to be held on the caliper.

Nice, atleast its something easy then. Ill try to get one later and fix it then.

Advance Auto should have it, right?

grab a wire brush and a can of PB blaster. The only problem you might have is getting the fitting in the hard line to turn out of the brake hose without breaking the hard line.

Yeah get a line wrench for the brake line fitting.

Ive got a can of PB Blaster so Ill go spray it tonight and Ive got line wrenches.

I had to order the hose and it will be in tomorrow morning.

You have coated lines so it should come part easily . A simple propane torch may be needed to get it to start turning but no issue really kid

Im planning on doing it tomorrow if the weather holds up. I really wanted to do it tonight but nobody had the part in stock but Auto Zone can get it by 11.

I should be ok just bleeding that caliper like I did when I replaced it, right? I couldnt get the right front bleeder to open last weekend so I didnt bother bleeding the others.

That’s fine




Got it and replaced it. Seemed ok but I only drove it around the block.



Well if you’ve got a new caliper and new hose, all that’s left is user error. You should be set.

Sounds good guys.

I sure hope so. I drove it to Troy and back tonight with no problems.