ownership changes?

how do i change my ownership from a 4 to a 6 (yes everyone who says “go to the mto”) what effects will it have on my insurince?/will they care that much? ect…

Why would you want to do that? I have a 6 going in my kouki and will never notify the MTO!

Theres no need to…

cause if a cop pulls you over and tells you to pop ur hood and theres a 6 in there and the ownership says 4 cant he do somthing like give u a ticket or an mto date?

LOL no that I know of… The cops dont even know what there looking at 9 times out of 10… But Ive never heard of any one getting in shit from doing a additional CYL. engine swap… I know I wont ever be telling the mto shit about my car…

i know ppl with stock srs get pulled over and bitched at saying its an aftermarket motor just because of the red valve cover… yet a cop sees a 6 and not a 4 like the ownership says, never the less if its 30 bucks to change it and a 2000 dollar fine id rather not run the risk thats what i wana know. i dont care if cops are dump or not, what is the law?

OK then. But if the cops are bitching about a red valve cover then they clearly have to much time on there hands. Theres no law anywhere that states engine swaps are Illeagal. Guys have been doing it since the car was invented. Think about the hot rod days and all that…

But yea… I dont know the process of changing the # of CYLS on a Ownership if its even possible. some things on the ownership is unchangeable

it is illigal to have ur ownership saying 4cyl and having a 6 in there. i know that FOR SURE i just wana know how illigal and so on and so forth

just go into the MTO and ask for forums to change the engine type on your vehicle… nothing will change, just the little 4 goes to a 6… your insurance may go up since its now a more “powerful” car, but if your over 25 then it wont be much. you should call your agent and say “im thinking about puting a new engine in my car but it will be a V6 will this alter my rates???”

and im sure there is a fine for having a 6 and the ownership only saying 4. even a dumb cop can count wires(and yes they are trained to check stuff, or they call the MTO and they know EVERTHING!) Technicly by law, any Aftermarket parts(including FMIC, Turbo, Even a cold air) has to have a sticker on it declaring it is ment for street use and dosent alter emissions in a negative way. so having the slip reading v6 makes it “stock to the cops” but you willhave a moded car forums and such i beleive… plus if you write off your car and they see its a V6 dont think they will be dishing any cash your way… thats fraud…

…your my hero. will do thanks!

on my ownership it says 4 cylinder when my car has a stock straight 6 in it so ive been like wtf lol

7mgte!!! powaaa

howed you make out man??

my ins. company told me theyd drop me no questions asked if i did ANYTHING to modify my car at all. even an air filter. although after 3 hours of yelling at some dumb indian lady i could hardly understand i got to the super and he told me that if i got a letter from a lincenced mech. saying that the motor will fit in the car and is made for it nothing else has to be modded ect… then they would up my rates and let me have it

just do it and shut up, enjoy the car and your current rates

EXACTLY… I dont understand y you would even try to talk to the INS company…MOST dont want anything done to the car at all… I just shut up and drive… But thats just me… Think my ins company is going to know i have 450+ whp car… instead of the 160hp car they think I have… Nope… DEF not lol

k just cause i want to look into the options and maybe save myself some hastle is never a bad thing. if your that sure of yourself next time you see a cop drive up to him and tell him you have a 6 and your ownership and ins. says you have a 4 and see if he cares?

OK Ill ask a few buddies of mine that are cops… They really dont care… maybee where you live and the cops have nothing better to do… its highly unlikly anything is going to ever happen, If you have your ownership stating its a 4 cyl but really its a 6.

Even if he does say somthing… all you have to say is

“oOo I just put that engine in there… I didnt know it was a problem. sorry officer Ill get to the MTO asap and change it.”

Its all about being smart about it… and knowing what to say to make the officer happy…

im aware of that but if a cop pulls you over in a ricer car and a big shiney motor with top mount turbo and a big BOV there definatly going to say somthing cause there all dicks like that, regardless yeah its an off chance but why take it if you dont have to? and what if you get pulled over by mto they do spot checks every now and again

I know exactly what your saying…

BUT. I was Once pulled over in my highly modded eclipse…(11.7@119mph) and had a big garrett 60-1 turbo. HUGE front mount and 272 cams… idled like a champ lol… they looked under my hood… and only said " do you have nitrous?" lol… and I said no… My cars not bottle fed… he said ok have a great day… and let me go on my way… he never once said anything about any of the mods I had or anything like that…

I just really think its a long shot Going through the hassle to change the ownership to a 6 cyl when the chances are nothing will ever come about it.

i know but if it was only 15 bucks for the new ownership and 15 more a month to not take the risk i would have dont it know what i mean?