ownership confusion?

the other day i had gone into my car to grab some shit from the glovebox, and my girlfriend was lookin at the ownership, but it doesnt say its a 240sx?

its says


nothing about a 240

        anyone know why this may be like this?

mine says that too

Do you own a coupe?

so what exactly does that mean though?
will it show up differently for insurance companies or anything?

no, hatch

mine shows 2/S weird.

doesn’t matter as long as your vins match.

yea i kind of figured, just curious and confused as to why it says c24

mine says c24 as well.

I remember my probes were PGT

canadian 300zxs say 300

my black z is FRL (fairlady)

i was trying to find mine to see what it says. cant find my new ownership, but i found mine for my old car and it says

make : NISS
model : 240
year : 89
body type : 2D

no big deal

my old 180 was a datsun 240z on insuracne slip

Same, only difference is that my body type is a 2B.

And for some odd reason, for colour, its marked down as Yellow.:/:

could’a sworn it was beige lol

hey about colour, if you are really worried, you can go to where you get the car registered and tell them the colour is wrong and you would like to change it. then show them a pic. its as easy as that.

As for the c24, i dont know, myne says 240

weird lol

That usually happens if they had to make up a new RIN for the car and it got named something else, but it does’nt change anything its still a 240sx.

mine says c24 as well… always wondered about it but never bother to care about it as i still knew i drive a 240sx

could be (just a wild guess)
c - canadian
24 - 2.4L

My 180sx says its a 6 cylinder

lmao, 6… rofl anyways, my 240sx Coupe 91 says its just a 240, and its brown when its beige.