what so i can watch the BCS screw ND even if they did have a great season? i’ve come to realize ND is like my central vikings… they are pretty much hated by everyone that is jealous of them. while i dont have a leg to stand on with nd this year i can say they are under the most scrutiny of any team in the country… people hate them because they were smart enough to get their own tv contract, their own licencing. ND got shafted in 93 for the national championship, why should i think it wouldnt happend with the OH SO great BCS.

like i said… i’d take pitt beat WVU over anything except a spot in the national championship game… cause basically, other than money the rest of the BSC games don’t mean shit. gone are the days of …let say #1 vs a #5 in the cotton and #2 vs #4 in the orange and tryin to make a good showin in hopes of jumping teams in the final standings.