PA- Anti-Modified Exhaust Bill

Hmmm… what does the “H.” stand for? Im not a religious person, so just wondering.

And fuck man, who cares about this gay shit… The truth is if exhaust is loud enough to get yanked for, then its just too fuckin loud.

Why would you want to draw that kind of attention to yourself anyways?

The H is for Hesus for an alternate name

Oh right… I was thinking Herbert or something, but that just doesnt fit the time.


again…why do people always gotta bring up “well cops have tint and cops have this and that” it doesnt matter what they do when they pull you over. what is illegal or not on their car doesnt pertain to the reason they pulled you over. if you are driving 80 with the flow of traffic but the speed limit is 70 and they pick you to pull over…again it doesnt matter what everyone else was doing…its only matters that you were pulled over and you broke a traffic law.

youd be fine… look at your muffler, it has a big mazda logo stamped on it with the part number and a few other things… they might try to give you shit about the sound, but as far as they know it would be a “stock” exhaust

it wont pass anyway. so dont worry about it.

Truth. Every damn time this piece of legislation pops up, there is a mass panty-bunching event…but it never goes through.

there already is illegal modification to noise supression (spl??) i got it in my camaro. i had my ls1 with a t-rex headers, no cats, open borla (aka no muffla) and i got pulled over when i was at idle…

i pulled out of my driveway (cop car driving down the road toward my house about 5 houses up) drifted to the stop sign one house down and got pulled over at idle. ahhh i was so happy when he told the back up cop “listen to this when he starts it up… it sounds like a NASCAR”

found the ticket…

^^ How much was the ticket?

$106.50 i fought it and told them i fixed it… they made me go get the car and bring it down and the officer came outside to check it. he signed off on it and it was dropped. all i did was put the cap back on the exhaust. he said it was still loud but it was alot better.

and if anyone questions me at idle… look at the location on the ticket and look where i live.

The whole point of this bill is a bag of S%#. The jackasses sponsoring this bill are clueless as far as the hobby is concerned. I’d like to see these clowns enact legislation to prevent new laws and government official pay raises. Or better yet. Let’s pass a bill to keep dumbf&%s from procreating.

Well you live in a nice area, what do you expect? Im sure all the rich old retired people dont want to hear some kids loud ass exhaust rumblin their windows and shit.

And trust me that cop makes $80k+ a year, hes gona do all he can to make the majority of the tax payers happy.

im not saying i was pissed… i totally understand the car was retarded loud. i live on a major bus way they do just as much noise though. i just didnt want to pay and i got out of it. i was more proud of getting pulled over at idle. :burnout:

Well yea, thats cool if you like that kind of attention.

you think a cop makes 80k a year? :rofl:

in Whitehall, none the less. I could see a city cop but not a very small borough cop.

hahahha you guys should do some research. Whitehall starts at $77k I believe. They were just recently hiring.

As for the City, they make $39k but I believe that might be going up to $40k this year.

Murrysville, Monroeville, and Whitehall are the 3 highest starting salaries in this part of the country.

i had a jeannette cop try to give me that ticket…

what he wrote on the ticket is only part of the law.

In order for a ticket like that to stick it must adhere to the PA vehicle code for testing…see this link

That is the current law for exhaust noise/modification.

Under the new bill, the same ticket could be issued by the officer simply making a subjective decision that the exhaust was “too loud” or “inappropriately modified”

edit: this link leads to the EXACT phrase that cop was trying to nail you with, what he left out was the fact that he actually has to have a measurement…

humm… i’ll admit it’s more than i thought… but a stretch from 77… given it’s old data:

The Township provides an excellent benefit package. As of
2007, salary for entry level police is $43,451.20/year.