Paid Membership (off topic)

wow what the fuck is going on here? Let’s just put Bob and Bing into a UFC ring and let them duke it out.

Anyone agree?

Wont happen, Bing doesn’t get dirty remember?

As to what happened, I made a suggestion and Bing snapped.


the answers werent secrets, if you paid attention you would have known already.


Answer the question, rather then tell everyone as to why they should already know the answer.

It’s your way of saying you don’t know the answers. Big surprise…

answers on page two buddy-town…

keep making a scene please.

I’m making a recommendations. As for making a scene, see the first page for your temper tantrum.

Those aren’t answers. Those are loosely based on the subjects.

I’ll just assume that because you aren’t getting paid to do it, you will not publicly document the the account information, or the cash flows.

It should be done, and you, an administrator, want to be paid to do it.

Maybe you aren’t cut out for this job.

:rolleyes: @ bob.

Why are you not calling on your friends in admin to do the same and why havent they already done it? Why didnt you do it years ago when you weaseled your way into admin?

Your agenda was not one of accountability, it was one of elitism by staging hidden sections on the forum to exclude people you didnt like (Son hardcore)

If i am the only one who has been accountable and is making strides to be more so, as proven by actual actions on my behalf over the past 2 years. How you get off making these kinds of accusations is a testament to why you have no notable achivements to your name?

You are such a joke and your motives are totally transparent.

Until you come up with some hard evidence of anything you have claimed about me over the years i am locking this thread and every other thread you ever get involved in where you spout completely off-base comments with nothing to support them specifically directed at me instead of those who are actually to blame.

Since this thread has achieved nothing, there is no loss.

Also: i know you are going to fear-monger this lock into some sort of censorship issue but i am not moving it, everyone can see what has been said.