painted winter car this morning

bigger than 6,4?

i would say 6,2 200 something.

everyone rips on this kid but i swear hes the next beck

provided he starts posting nudes of hot chicks with shit written on thier ass with marker

otherwise he is a fag

ya weight wise hes bigger

oh my god.


not bad! i give you alot of props i would never try to paint one of my cars.

ill be painting mine camaro and possibly my buddies camaro, its something i dont mind doing and i think i can get pretty good at it so ill see where i takes me

Shut your mouth about shit like this. You could be getting people in trouble, and the next time i see ya yer gonna hear it too.

6’3" I used to be around 340, one fat fucker.

Now, weightlifting and carpentry job >*

6’3" 260 and falling faaast

PS: I have allot of fun with the punching bag too. So honestly, SpecialEd79, If you ever see me at a mighty meet / wherever, think twice before ya decide to fuck with me. I’m told having your head bounced off a hood / windshield numerous times inst a pleasant experience.

Do you really want to be my first ban? Stop. Now.

I know you’re just talking smack, come on now. No threats.

i got the paint for free because someone i know bought it but didnt use it do to it being laquer and thay didnt know that, i traded them for it so idk what your talking about getting people in trouble