
i’ll try to be the one who’s not jumping on his nutz. Motocross… i applaud your DIY efforts, buy if you paint your air vents i’m going to punch you in the neck.

I painted my trim as well (except with automotive base/clear):



in my opinion it can be done, but as mentioned already… the key is “subtlety”.


You refinished your entire interior… thats a little > then rattle canning some ABS plastic rings.


and, for the record, I painted interior trim once. It was a grand am GT, and I was 19.


its shadow from th lighting, i took that one my camera phone at like 11 oclock, thanks btw lafengas lol, dont worry, those are the only pieces i wanted to paint lol. On a second note…whats the phrase… “the kettle calling the pot black”? im sure this applies to many of you, so think about that ok? im 18, hell if i wanted to, maybe ill drop some acid or beat the shit outa a little infant, im allowed to make mistakes. kthxbai

Years from now you will look back and say wtf, why did I spend/do all this on that car. I know you want to MOD it and do this or do that. Just get a good set of tires, maybe some wheels, nice radio and enjoy driving the car.

If you still want to paint just do subtle colors.


im 18, hell if i wanted to, maybe ill drop some acid or beat the shit outa a little infant, im allowed to make mistakes. kthxbai


yeah, you’ll go far in life. good thing grand-dad cosigned that car for you.

Good for you for not pissing away money on fart cans and altezzas feeding your need to tinker with your new toy.

As for all the haters: Some things can only be learned, not taught.

But yeah, I’m thinking that doesn’t really look so great.

How about an intake? It’ll get your hands under the hood, add a little growl without the fart of a non-turbo 4 cylinder exhaust, might gain you 2-3 hp (?), it’s not illegal, shouldn’t cost more than $100 bucks.

I’ve painted interior panels once so I guess I can’t say anything… Although they were done flat black, so maybe I can.


Not my cup of tea :gay: But if you enjoy it for yourself :tup:

90% of rice happens because people don’t have the money to do something nice. not having the money should motivate you to work harder, not to rice shit out.

^^ that’s all that needed to be said, seriously it will kill the resale value


last time i checked, i was 18, a freshman in college, with no money (unlike everyone else apparently) to mod out a sweet ride, so guess what? I bought a convertible with my money that i worked for, and so everyone knows, its mine so dont choke on a fucking hairball that its not paid off, my fucking grandpa paid for the difference so last time i checked i wasnt bound to some retarded bank contract, and as for the paint, i took my time and it looks fine, yes, it was crack eventually and shit of that nature, but its not much to remove the pieces and refinish them, and as for reselling the car, last time i checked im not selling this car anytime soon, with 68k on the car and no rust? why would i? i bought it to drive it, and thats how its gonna be, and im not ricing it out, this is my daily driver, why would i waste my time/money on shit thats going to get ruined in the winter, i take care of my cars, but at the same time im not over obsessive with them. its not like all of you havent been 18 before and finally got something theyve always wanted, if i really wanted to i couldve saved my money, bought a shitty honda civic, put a body kit on it, a obnoxiously big wing and neons on it, oh wait, i didnt, so fuck off.


Great, you bought a car. And now want to ruin it. Go right ahead, it’s not my car.

You over use the phrase “last time I checked”…

Motocross, I have a brand new center vent surround & new vents incase you mess anything up. Send me a message, brand new OEM parts that I’ve had for like 3 years that will never be used.

chris buy those…painted interior = gay

i thought this thread died already, ryanmcell ill PM you sometime this week about those vents and stuff, i gotta see the money situation cuz im taking my car to hybrid to have new lifters put in, how much u want for them?

itll never die…until you change your interior trim.

lol i see that, if hes got the pieces i need then ill prolly buy em, i just wanna make sure i have enough left over after the lifters, sorta wanted to save for a catback…but we’ll see

ill make you a catback :slight_smile:

with passing emmisions tests? as long as its legit i would be down with it, stainless steel and 3 inch pipes? ::drools::


with passing emmisions tests? as long as its legit i would be down with it, stainless steel and 3 inch pipes? ::drools::


you do NOT need 3: piping… 2.5 at the most