Parents should know...

Matty Is Great!!!…

i think he’s in the kkk!!1 haha jk. that guy is one stupid fuck.

Oh man I just watched that you have got to be kidding me…Minivan crashes and he refers to 4 sets of tires.

Brian Paterson is his name, I can bet I won’t be the only one e-mailing him.

4 sets ??? pffffffftttt!!! i guess the minivan wasn’t running on his set of r-comps that time…

just when i thought cops couldent get more ignorent.

aside from the handfull of “drifters” in ontario, like yourselves, there are plenty of street racing teens with loads of tires (honda sizes lol) who DO street race. I dont think this guy’s out of line with what he said.

out of line or not, that guy is still stupid.
its like, “these rims here…have my drag radials on it for when i go to the races, this set of rims have my burnout tires on it, this set of rims has my circuit tires, this set of rims are for dd, and this set of rims are my winters”
its like saying what was posted above, if you have a crowbar in your house your a criminal.

what if u got sets of tires around the city??

The reason I find the remarks ignorant and offensive is because the vast majority of street racers are 16-18 year old shits in their parents’ car. Accident data proves this very well. It’s hard to see inside the car at who the driver is though, so it’s much easier to profile enthusiasts instead. This would be a problem for the police if they were actually trying to put an end to street racing, but since they could give a fuck less about it, and only care about revenue and more revenue, it works out pretty well.

First off, Brian Paterson, the guy who said this IS NOT A COP. He is part of the Ontario Safety League, some fucking hippy oraganization.

Sgt. Cam Wooley, the fucking retarded who is always on camera and who part-hosted Canada’s Worst Driver said “when you give your kid the keys to expensive and powerful cars, you are killing them with kindness” hahahaha

^That finally makes some sense then. The only reason why anyone would feature a dumbass hippie that is a big enough douche to start an organization on their network, is to stirr up some shit and get more polarized opinions. Yay, ratings!
I say we start our own organization to battle these waffles, we’ll call it the Justice League of Ontario. (I already called dibs on being Batman)

What Wooley says actually makes sense. Parents shouldn’t be giving their M5s to their teens to drive. They should be beating the shit out of them so they stay in school and eat their fucking vegetables.

You mean like this?

Yes. Maddox FTW.

This whole situation just irritates me.

Ontario Saftey League ? ahahha athats soo gay a special League , they should just stick to promoting saftey scissors

Sorry, Cam Wooley’s exact words were giving your kids the keys to “expensive race cars”. HAHAHA

The point he is making is legit, but it’s the choice of words and the fact that most of these crashes happen in rusted out Caravans and Grand Ams that make me laugh.

I have to stop selling tires and rims…lol

you better stop , they are going to be coming after you…lol

duckJAI must be the biggest street racer of us all =o

LOL that cop is a fuckin fool…wat if i street race but I’am cheap and cant afford tires?

That’s what I’m talking about!!
My kids are going to be the most successfull, well-behaved kids ever when they finally let them out of the hospital :smiley: