The refugees are a tough call. If we can vest them before allowing entry then it’s all good to go, but we can’t and the FBI has stated we can’t, so ultimately we are left with a moral dilemma: let in thousands of refugees and hope the few bad apples don’t act, or don’t let them in and effectively screw over thousands of legitimately impoverished and fleeing individuals.
I’m just happy that I don’t need to make those kind of decisions, I have a hard enough time deciding what’s for dinner.
“Cell phone believed to have been used by Paris attacker is recovered, officials say. It contains message to effect: OK, we’re ready.”
So much for encryption…
Updated - - -
Realistically the civil war will end in Syria in the near future now that Russia is involved if the US would have stayed out of it by arming the rebels it would have ended even sooner.
The US shouldn’t have been half in half out they just prolonged a civil war and ended up arming ISIS and creating a cluster fuck in the region.
Yeah, but Obama says we’re just racists who are scared of women and children. Please ignore our own FBI saying we can’t properly vet these refugees.
Saw this one on Twitter… "I’ve got a bowl of 10000 M&M’s and 10 of them are poisoned. How may of you liberals are going to eat a handful? #SyrianRefugees "
Isn’t it interesting how one of the suicide bombers in Paris supposedly dropped his passport before blowing himself up leaving it perfectly intact just like the supposed hijackers passport that survived crashing into the WTC on 9/11 and landed on the ground unscathed.
i think maybe this thread should be broadened to include the russian flight that was now deemed to be brought down by a bomb by ISIS… and the raid where some chick selfied herself (with a bomb) and the two US flights that were re-routed on account of threats…
shits getting pretty real out there.
also nice to see France kicking some ass… mind you they were already bombing it just wasn’t news until it was retaliatory and therefore okay to make public.
This one was actually corrected and all suspected bombers had valid EU passports, not refugee status. It is entertaining that we have DNA on file to test this guy that blew himself to pieces to see if he is the master mind and we have all this data on where they are but the nation states are complaining that encryption is the excuse.
Yea they confirmed that none of the terrorists are Syrian. The only ones that have come up with people from Syria attempting to enter the US with fake passports from other countries like the group that came up today.
Still, I am for the locking down of the plan until they figure this out and I am pretty liberal. Then again, the master mind was known to police, features in the ISIS ENGLISH magizine with how he was going to attack Paris, and then traveled to there with a passport so I think there is bigger issues than Syrian refugees.
Youre hosting a party at your house for family, friends and more…then you get a tip that some people who are coming are coming to kill you.
Do you cancel the party until further notice…or keep the door open
Arm every one of your family & close friends, ordering them to be on high alert. The government loves the 1-2 punch combo.
“Trickle down” + NAFTA = Trickle out
Going for “gun control” + increasing the risk of domestic terrorism = ???
Yea, 3 terrorists shooting AK47s with bursts lasting 20-30 seconds. 1,000 screaming people running in panic. IEDs going off. I am sure Joe Dirt and his little 9mm who goes to the range once a year and spends most of the time behind a desk is gonna stand up and down all 3 terrorists.
So instead of 1,000 screaming people lets say that 10% of them are armed. That is 900 Screaming people, 3 terrorists with AK’s, and 100 citizens with handguns. You use the moniker “Joe Dirt” in an attempt to marginalize the individual that has the wherewithal to stand in defense of his friends, family, or countrymen. The truth is that some of these “Joe Dirt” individuals are ex military, retired or active police, enthusiasts etc…
I will put my money on the 100 handguns dramatically reducing the number of casualties.
Also: If you have a concealed carry and only go to the range 1x per year you should not have a concealed carry.
There’s a huge difference between trying to engage a guy with an assault rifle vs your handgun when it’s you vs him one on one compared to when it’s you in a crowd of 100’s of unarmed people. The terrorist almost certainly isn’t going to spot the one guy taking aim at him in the crowd situation.
“And here, we bestow upon you the great INCONVENIENT CHALICE OF JUSTICE. Sip from this vessel…but caution oneself…it’s kind of fucking top heavy when you fill that shit up.”