Park away from the entrance

Cliffs: Guy buys brand new 370. Two weeks later, he parks it and comes back to this:

I would take a fucking 5 Iron upside that Accord… Holy shit, just seeing that pisses me off.

wow people suck at parking

:lol how does that even happen?

woman driver

Seriously? How do you even park like that? WOW!

At least she folded the mirror to create clearance…

Don’t want to damage the 370Z aero pieces ya knOw!?

Mass plates, not surprised

WTF the person is in the car and he takes a pic

I parked up towards the road at CG Mall by the movie theatre.

I came out to a ticket on my window, coudlent figure out wtf it was the car looked fine. Called them, decided to acctualy look at the other side and it was completely smashed in.

Some d-bag in a red truck decided instead of following the layout of the parking lot, he was just goign to plow between me and the car parked next to me. The other car dident make out to well.

Why we need beaters…

Go figure, Mass plates. LOL

What a masshole.

The most ridiculous part about it is the fact that the lady had to of hit the car and continued pulling forward into the spot to get into a position like that.


Ever since I got one door ding in the SER 2 yrs ago I either park between two nice cars or as far away as possible.

I’ll walk for an extra 45 seconds to protect my car, thnx.

You walk slowly.

The bitch is still in the car and he didn’t go to jail for murder? Pussy.

Worst part is its a 40th anniversary edition and Nissan only made 1000 of them. If I came out to see that bitch driving her hybrid down the side of my car I’d kill her. She tried getting away but couldn’t get her car unstuck from the side of the Z.

I am not sure what I’d do. I’d just call the cops and file a report. I’d be tempted to take out the windows even if a cop was standing there out of sheer anger.

BTW, I park several rows from anywhere regardless of where I go. That’s why my cars are flawless. I still am blown away that people don’t realize it’s property of value. Use your hand to ensure you don’t ding another car. Give proper space.