"Parking Enforcement" can give out front plate tickets? WTF

It sounds like that has some sort of time requirement on it but I don’t think that will hold up in court though. Your driveway is your property just like your garage is. That would be like the police opening your garage door without your permission and giving you a ticket for a car thats sitting in the garage without plates on etc.

i got a ticket or two for and expired inspection from a meter maid last year. personally id just pay them online and be done with it. going downtown to a court or to the dmv definitely isnt worth the possibility of saving $35.

Um, no. NYS Vehicle and Traffic code only applys to vehicles on public roads. That’s why we can drive like crazy people at an autocross, even with cars that are completely unregistered. If you have a big circular driveway you could drive around in circles all day on it, with no plates, and the cops couldn’t say shit to you (assuming you didn’t break any noise ordinances or something).

However, there may be a local ordinance that does not allow you to STORE unregistered vehicles in front of your house, even in your driveway. All it takes is a couple rednecks with a couple camaro’s sitting on blocks to get the neighbors pissed off and “no storage” ordinance gets passed.

Unless it was in your drive way, then you need a front plate.

dude tell them u just got done re-painting your front bumper bc u had fixed a crack in it and could not reaply the Plate for 24 hours bc the paint had to cure?

just pay the fine and move on :gotme: lame ticket, but thats the price we pay for a pimpin front end with no plate ruining it. :slight_smile:

Same in Buffalo. If a car is on your property, it has to be insured and registered. I know there are a lot of people that get away with having cars on their property, but trust me, I am right. I have 2 of my friend’s cars in my garage because he has been written up 2 x by the city.

As for a no plate ticket in Buffalo, just pay it becuse it is not worth your time to fight and it is not a moving violation. Put your plate on and you won’t have to worry about it any more.