Part time work needed

My daughter starts school this year and her school does not provide transportation so I need to work part time. My work is not willing to allow me to go to part time, so I need something else ASAP! I am willing to work Monday-Friday from 8am-2pm, I also need to stay around $375 after taxes. I am a great worker and can provide references. I am great with computers,filing, etc…If someone can help out I would greatly appreciate it! :hug


Very funny…Not:lol

I will never go on welfare, and I would never ever use my body for money. Sorry lol

Bah, I would never let you strip in a place where they liked the Penguins anyway. If you want to go work for an employer who is a Devils fan, I might even join you if the pay is right. :lol

hey i got a pole in the basement

just kidding !

unless u wana do it !

extra extra !

deliver pizza.

no but srsly… stimulus checks ? welfare , something has to be available !

Na, if I cant find anything I will just stay at my current job but Ill end up loosing pay bc I will have to leave to pickup my daughter and then pay for daycare for the 3 hrs afterschool on top of loosing another hour of pay, so Im trying to avoid all of that, plus I would really love to help her with her homework etc.

yea i hear that, its alot of bs

BUT u gotta do what u gotta do as a parent…

Do they have some kind of before school program?
I know sometimes for kids/parents who have that same problem they have a breakfast/morning programs but I’m not sure about your school district.

at my elementary school ( blue creek) they had a before and after school program. cyc did it iirc.

do you have any skills…

$375 seems like alot to ask for with a part time job. I work full time and my base take home pay is about that with 40 hours worked and I make $12 an hour.

alot of schools have the before and after program what district are you in? long name, amazing results

LOLed at that one.

yes its called get off joo ass and get a job and stop mooching off the system.:crazy